"Dubya, we've traced the calls...
They're coming from inside the Green Zone!"
File under: Here's your hat, what's your hurry?
Iraq PM: Country can manage without U.S.
By BUSHRA JUHI, Associated Press Writer 36 minutes ago
BAGHDAD - Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said Saturday that the Iraqi army and police are capable of keeping security in the country when American troops leave "any time they want," though he acknowledged the forces need further weapons and training.
The embattled prime minister sought to show confidence at a time when congressional pressure is growing for a withdrawal and the Bush administration reported little progress had been made on the most vital of a series of political benchmarks it wants al-Maliki to carry out.
Al-Maliki said difficulty in enacting the measures was "natural" given Iraq's turmoil.
But one of his top aides, Hassan al-Suneid, rankled at the assessment, saying the U.S. was treating Iraq like "an experiment in an American laboratory." He sharply criticised the U.S. military, saying it was committing human rights violations, embarassing the Iraqi government with its tactics and cooperating with "gangs of killers" in its campaign against al-Qaida in Iraq.
Al-Suneid's comments were a rare show of frustration toward the Americans from within al-Maliki's inner circle as the prime minister struggles to overcome deep divisions between Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish members of his coalition and enact the American-drawn list of benchmarks.
In new violence in Baghdad on Saturday, a car bomb leveled a two-story apartment building, and a suicide bomber plowed his explosives-packed vehicle into a line of cars at a gas station. The two attacks killed at least eight people, police officials said on condition of anonymity because they were not authorize to release details of the attacks.
So, if I read this correctly, either the Iraqi government believes Iraq can take care of itself thank you very much and the US military can leave any time...
....or they are hate us, are sick of seeing American troops patrolling the sweltering, blood-caked rubble that used to be their prosperous country, and want us the hell gone.
So what’s Arabic for “Don’t let the door hit ‘ya where the Good Lord split ‘ya”?
And why aren’t Bush regime dead-enders being dragged by their hair and wattles down to the United States Congress, duck-walked in front of the nation's cameras, and made to answer some simple, blunt questions about what in the fuck we are still doing in Iraq?
The concerns of the colonized are invisible to their noble civilizers, D. In the words of Kissinger (when referring to overthrowing the Chilean government) "these matters are too important to be left up to the Chilean (read Iraqi) people."
First, Drift:
You are the only progressive blogger that I've read this morning who jumped on this with both feet, as EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM SHOULD HAVE.
At the GroupNewsBlog, we're getting our daily diet of so-and-so got a pimple on his ass, and lost the yellow jersey.
They're all great guys over there, and we owe them for picking up the baton, but the shit IS starting to come down, and we need to be talking about it.
What Maliki did was walk over to the workbench and give the 'nad-vise handle a good, healthy crank.
"So, Mr. Bush, you want to cut deals with the Sunnis and supply arms to the same people who have been so diligent at killing your people, and ours, too?
Here; hold this flaming bag of fecal material YOURSELF while I go down to the green zone parliament and talk a little majority-vote shit to get you the fuck out of our country with nothing to show for it but all those caskets, and your Treasury picked as clean as if the Beagle Boys had been living there for 4 and a half years.
(Come to think of it, that would make a good, Disney-esque 'toon.. Those exuberant bandits; wearing Halliburton and Bechtel, etc., T-shirts.)
"I'm sorry to stick another pin in your voodoo doll, but at this point, we've about had enough. The Shiite community is rapidly arriving at the decision that you will sustain this as long as Mesopotamians are killing each other, in the insane hope that you will somehow "inherit" a country where the bulk of the the population that's left from your "liberation" of them, will bend over and spread their cheeks for your little Fortune 500 shortarm inspection.
Dude: It aint gonna happen.
Remember us? We're the ones with the purple inkstains on our fingers. The've got a half-life that's one FUCK of a lot longer than jizz-stains on a blue dress.
And we are a finger snap away from telling you to get out.
The Brits are symbolically handing over Basra to the "Government", but the world knows that the Militias are TAKING it, as we speak. But they are SHIITE militia, and we will work that out, with or without Kalashnikovs and RPG's.
As old 'Nol said, so long ago, in the Sceptered Isle:
"In the name of God, GO! You have sat too long for any good you may have been doing."
Tanbark- I mean this in no way as a criticism, but as an invitation, I truly thought you'd be on the team at GNB. I always read your comments with an eager eye, because you bring an important pov to these matters. Think it over, bro. Besides, not enough bluegrass coverage there! ;-)
Regarding this news- at this point I'd bypass the Hague and would simply like to see Cheney, Bush, et. al. punished according to Sharia Law.
USBlues; no problemo. :o)
Bakatcha. We're down-buds.:o)
I LOVE Le Tour, but Goddammit, the whole insane bushCo shittaree is hanging by a thread. We should have a lead piece every morning by one of the guys, and THEN the lighter stuff.
Been workin' on a killer version of "John Henry". Now, if I just had someone nearby to pick with. :o)
well, drifty - you ask the $12 BILLION A MONTH question.
And that's just the greenback treasure BushCo is pisaing away. The human cost, and cost to America's reputation, is beyond financial worth.
that was me, murfmom.
What Maliki is doing, of course, is DARING bush to start pulling out.
He's saying: "You want to bail? Fine. We'll then see who sprints out of "The Hunkerdown Motel" in the green zone, to run the gauntlet of Shia militia, first."
"BTW, Mr. President; when you leave, good luck to you and the GOP in the next elections. We'll speak well of you in "Shiastan-with-lots-of-deceased-dinosaurs". :o)
Dubya, we've traced the calls...
They're coming from inside the Green Zone!"
Malaki hasn't forgotten that we still have hopes for an Allawi comeback.
"And why aren't Bush regime dead-enders being dragged, etc.?"
Drifty, you already know the answers.
[1] The right-wing corporate elite owns the McMedia, and [2] we don't have an active draft.
The only two lessons our elite learned from the Vietnam War are "Control the media", and "Don't try to fight a quasi-colonial war with a drafted army".
Ivory Bill; good points. I would add that the answer to Drift's question also involves the simple truth that we are not going to get out of this shit with our "way of life" intact.
The savage idiocy of what bush and his cronies have done is going to hurt, economically, and in terms of our lost power and influence in the mid-east.
Not to mention that this misery has exponentially increased the number of fanatics who want a piece of us.
The assholes who created this lashup are trying to put us on a permanent war-footing, a la Orwell, in "1984".
I don't think they can succeed. A friend of mine keeps saying that we're gonna do Iran. We SHOULD be paranoid, but I don't think that a president whose own party is beginning to discuss his impeachment, has the leeway to start a regional war, in which to enfold and perpetuate the one which has already proved to be a fuckup of Himalayan proportions.
Also, our military, or that portion of it which is on the ground, have no interest in finding out how 15 million Iraqi Shia will react, if goatboy starts bombing Iranian Shia, and they are growing cojones, as we speak.
I think that one of the things which is paralyzing the democrats in congress, and doing the same to a lot of voters, is the gut realization that with this one, we're not going to be able to just pull out, and chalk up one agrarian Marxist regime. (Which we could have had WITHOUT spending those 60K american lives and a million-plus Vietnamese)
For this little kneejerk dick-hardener, we are going to be paying for a long time to come.
I say again, if the democrats are stupid enough to find some way to unilaterally force troop drawdowns on bush, it will be worth 20-25 percentage points to the repubs in the coming election. It will be a wet-dream come true for Karl Rove.
Our outrage and anger, and our desire to at least do something to try to end our part in this (we cannot "end it"; that's a fantasy.) is understandable, but as cynical as it is to say it, the blame game is THE game in town, and we better play it, and play it well, in the 16 months between now and the election.
If we keep the pressure on the petro-turds who CREATED this, by reminding the voters that it was they who started it, and that bush can begin bringing our troops home with the STROKE OF HIS PEN; no dickering; no vote-trading; no "bi-artisanship" required, and if we keep the committees going after the bastards, then we have a good chance to take everything except the court. That's going to be bush's "alpine redoubt", and we can go after him there, and by then, who knows what the right-wingers on there will be thinking, and how they will vote, if it comes down to some constitutional point to impeach or not impeach?
As I said, someone over at FDL posted that "time is not on our side". He was so wrong, I didn't even reply to it.
BTW, Cee:
These crazed, demented, fuckheads still have chips riding on CHALABI!!!
There is practically no human being of whom I actively wish for his death, but with THAT fucker, if some insurgent group catches him and dresses him out like an 8 point buck it will not bother me a whit.
Or, even better, if they freeze-dry his ass and stand him up in someone's living room like a cigar-store Indian, I would pay good money for a poster of it.
ok, OT but i gotta sez it
Tanbark - i adamantly second USBlues' motion, wit a shot of fifth, and da one 4-5 bluze, that you inject a few CCs into the GNB or fire up a little speak E-Z blog of your own self. Not cuz yer such a long winded, crackin wise incite-ful sonuvagun. Although that you are! :-D
But if only to expand already that terminal-gravity style writing. wit a hint of karate and a touch of voodoo..
As for the right-wing judges, I keep saying: They're MODERN Republicans, thus almost certainly members of the "Republican Culture of Corruption". Most of them probably have some evil deeds in their past that could be used to remove them from office--or, maybe better, used to "persuade" them to vote our way. ;)
GNB -- 'I am at present on a cycling tour of the North Cornwall area taking in Bude and...'
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