This Sunday at the Mouse Circus, the Conservative Zombie army came, lied, and left.
Here it is, firehose-style…
Some would say...Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! No underlying crime! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Criminalizing politics! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! No underlying crime!
Fred Barnes: The public doesn’t fucking care.
Juan Williams: That’s bullshit. Like, 70% of the public thinks this sucks.
Fred Barnes: Oh please. The publics are idiots. You ask these rubes a question and they think you need to give an answer, but they’re morons.
Juan Williams: That’s bullshit. Like, 70% of the public thinks this sucks.
Fred Barnes: Oh please. The publics are idiots. You ask these rubes a question and they think you need to give an answer, but they’re morons.
Some would say...Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Criminalizing politics! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too!
But, no, there was never even the suspicion that there was a quid pro quo for aiding in a cover up. That…
Some would say...Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! No underlying crime! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! No underlying crime! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Criminalizing politics! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! No underlying crime! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! No underlying crime! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Criminalizing politics! Clinton did it too! Criminalizing politics! Clinton did it too! No underlying crime! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too!
Actually there were hearings on the Clinton pardons. Hell, Hatch held one of them. And Clinton can forward with his pardon lawyers…
Some would say...Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! No underlying crime! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too!
… waived Executive Privilege...
Some would say...Clinton did it too! Criminalizing politics! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too!
…explained himself in some detail…
Some would say...Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Plame was not a covert agent! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Plame was not a covert agent! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too!
But see you ran against Clintonism. Doesn’t that mean that you have to…
Some would say...Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Plame was not a covert agent! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too!
Actually, Democrats did widely object to Clinton’s pardons, and…
Some would say... Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too!
But there has never been a pardon of the chief of Staff of a Vice President who was Thug and Bag-Man Number One in a fucking cover-up of Administration High Crimes.
Some would say...Clinton did it too! Criminalizing politics! Clinton did it too! Plame was not a covert agent! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! No underlying crime! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! No underlying crime! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Criminalizing politics! Clinton did it too! Criminalizing politics! Clinton did it too! No underlying crime! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too!
Bush has no history of mercy or clemency. He killed Texans on death row like a fucking bug zapper. He mocked them. He has written over and over again that it is never the Executive’s place to overrule the will of the court.
Some would say...Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too!
It was a Bush-appointed judge…
Some would say...Criminalizing politics! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! No underlying crime! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! No underlying crime! Clinton did it too! Plame was not a covert agent! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too! Criminalizing politics! Clinton did it too! Criminalizing politics! Clinton did it too! No underlying crime! Clinton did it too! Clinton did it too!
Some would say...Criminalizing politics!
Republican sentencing guidelines…
Some would say...No underlying crime!
Republican-appointed prosecutor…
Some would say...Clinton did it too!
And FYI, the war in Iraq is not a civil war. It is a war against Al-Qaeda.
Oh, and one, special shout out to Senator Orrin Hatch, who repeated his concern that “Precipitously leaving Iraq would be bad.”
Dear Orrin,
After your clusterfuck of a war has already lasted longer than World War II, and after serious people have been calling for departure, exit, redeployment, whatever for three years, you do not get use to the word “precipitous” anymore.
Unless you just don’t
understand what that word means?
They came, they lied, and they left.
Because they don’t care anymore.
They know the only remaining arrow in the GOP quiver is their Ignorant Army. Their ability to mass the bellowing stupidity and contempt for the truth of their Base into human wave attacks on all enemies of the Dear Leader.
Which is why attempts to reason and compromise with this GOP are doomed to fail.
Because the fatal, endgame paradox of the Conservative movement is actually very easy to understand: there is nothing more or less happening here than the long-deferred price for crawling into bed with Klansmen, fascists and theocrats finally coming due.
Because as long as the Base and their enablers are calling the shots, Reason will remain in permanent exile on the Right and anyone with a shred of self-respect will avoid the Party like tertiary syphilis.
And without the Base, the Republican Party would simply cease to exist.
Hey, Driftglass, if Boosh ever does anything, Bill Clinton did it also, so what's your point. Two wrongs don't make a reich.........
F***ing parrots. "Aaaaack! Bill Clinton! Bill Clinton! Aaaaack!" whistle
This isn't about winning for them. This is about whining, because they do that better than anything else, certainly governing.
Redoubt nails it. The modern "Republican" Party ["Imperial Party" or my own coinage, "Elephascist Party" would be more accurate] has based itself on the most experienced whiners in all the USA; those of my fellow white Southerners who are "Conservative" [aka "Kloset Klan"].
"Waahhh! We wuz robbed! We shoulda won that war! We can't hang culluds fer fun anymore! Why didn't Jeebus and his heavenly daddy grant us victory in the war, cuz we were and are such good Christians! We don't hump our cuzzins THAT much anymore! And what's wrong with that, anyway? A man's gotta move his glands somehow, and yuh git tarred of the smell of the livestock sooner or later! Wahhh! WAAAHHHHH!!!!
[I luvs me some Web anonymity] ;)
"Clinton Did It Too!"
What tiresome, utter bullshit. Want to stop a pig person in their tracks? Ask this question:
"If [Outrage du jour] is so wrong and immoral, then it shouldn't matter who else did it, should it?"
The gob-smacked, slack jawed look is usually priceless.
Clinton did it too!
Actually, driftglass, the phrase you're looking for is BILL CLINTON'S PENIS! You're being too nuanced...
They know the only remaining arrow in the GOP quiver is their Ignorant Army. Their ability to mass the bellowing stupidity and contempt for the truth of their Base into human wave attacks on all enemies of the Dear Leader.
Which is why attempts to reason and compromise with this GOP are doomed to fail.
Hmm, wait a minute. You're not saying that you're "afraid we may have to kill them all? (SNARK)
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