Bush's is truly the PR presidency, as Mark Danner puts it so well in his latest contribution to Tom Dispatch (http://www.tomdispatch.com/index.mhtml?pid=200332).
Your graph shows it: The only way Bush can see any kind of increased popularity is by engineering some kind of fake good news, which--surprise!--turns out to be just another bunch of Unka Karl's bullshit made to order for the intellectual bottom-feeders who comprise his base.
Already we lost thousands of our soldiers,what for he still waiting??Is he want to kill every soldiers in Iraq???Get back our soldiers..Enough is enough... AA Breakdown Cover
Bush's is truly the PR presidency, as Mark Danner puts it so well in his latest contribution to Tom Dispatch (http://www.tomdispatch.com/index.mhtml?pid=200332).
Your graph shows it: The only way Bush can see any kind of increased popularity is by engineering some kind of fake good news, which--surprise!--turns out to be just another bunch of Unka Karl's bullshit made to order for the intellectual bottom-feeders who comprise his base.
I had never seen that quote before... how apropos. How powerful.
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Already we lost thousands of our soldiers,what for he still waiting??Is he want to kill every soldiers in Iraq???Get back our soldiers..Enough is enough...
AA Breakdown Cover
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