Thursday, January 16, 2025

Professional Left Podcast Episode 869: Our Last Podcast Of The Biden Administration

"The tyranny of a prince in an oligarchy is not so dangerous to the public welfare as the apathy of a citizen in a democracy." -- Montesquieu


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1 comment:

dinthebeast said...

In one of the Daily Show episodes that are now unavailable for viewing, in the segment about Elena Kagan's confirmation hearing, senator Sessions quoted Ms. Kagan as having called confirmation hearings "vapid and hollow" (which is true) then Jon Stewart riffed on his manner of speaking with "and said that my ears make my head look like a flesh-toned bowling trophy." (also true).
And then Jefferson Beauregard Sessions became our fucking Attorney General, the lesser of the evils of the AGs in the first Fergus administration.
So the vapid, hollow, Kabuki nature of the motherfucking Pam Bondi hearing seems somewhat appropriate. Awful, but appropriate.
I agree that when confronted with their own self-imposed impending doom, the Pig People will in fact blame it on the Democrats. They are in fact already doing so about issues years or even decades old (Medicaid expansion).
Not sure how they might spin it as a positive, but sometimes their creativity is surprising.
Perhaps we need to exploit some creativity of our own.
I mean, Roger the fuck Ailes got pretty much everything he ever wanted by creatively exploiting vulnerabilities in our information delivery system, which now lies in ruins with no discernible path back to functionality.
We will, of course and as always, be hindered by our reticence to harm people in the achieving of our goals, but such a time of widespread chaos is sure to be ripe with exploitable possibilities.
There, goddamn it, I said something fucking positive.
Thank you again for the podcast. The dry weather that has aided the incineration of huge chunks of Los Angeles has also kept the snow away from here and made transportation almost easy...

-Doug in Sugar Pine