Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Professional Left Podcast Episode 840: 'An Industry That Exists To Attack The New York Times'

"Comprehension follows perception." --Philip K. Dick.


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1 comment:

Robt said...

There is only a few things that reach the irritating level of the Bothsider application.
May I point out, Kamala Harris doesn't pop a Tic Tac and grab them by the balls.
One party can hold a president accountable for illegal activity and impeach while the other party cannot because it is their guy.

I Guess the SCOTUS handing down their immunity ruling on Trump exempts him from the bothsider rule. Allows him to trash Immigrants of eating pets while excusing Mike Huckabee who said, he and many in Arkansas would eat squirrel. Dice them up and put them in the popcorn popper.
Then there is the constant seeking of the MAGA diner's disgruntled excuses.
Most of all, all those undecided voters. "I am going to vote but I just do not know for who I will cast that vote for.
In one instance an undecided voter who just doesn't know enough about Harris but is completely familiar with the lying orange blob. May be leaning Trump but will probably go with his "gut " at the final moment in the voting booth.

It is discerning when I consider I served and fought in war for this country to protect our country and way of life and when it comes to voting for a leader of said country, they just can't decide?

Is it worse when there are others that decide to vote for Trump because he will make America submissive to Putin? Embrace oligarchical rulers like Elmo who knows how you should live your life?