Sunday, May 22, 2005
Is this the face that launched a thousand ships
And burned the topless towers of Ilium?
Since 9/11, that famous line by Christopher Marlowe has meant something radically different and sad to me.
This was the monster that came screaming out of our collective unconscious to pull down the sky and murder three thousand of our mothers and fathers. Our brothers and sisters. Our children.
So why the fuck is he walking free and easy somewhere along the Pakistani frontier, while this guy is the one washing out his underpants in an Iraqi prison sink?
The answer is very simple, but the consequences of accepting the answer is the pivot on which the future of the nation turns.
The President of the United States lied to the People of the United States.
He lied about War and Peace, played on our raw nerves and post 9/11 damage and pain to cynically ram though an Ultra Right Wing agenda in exactly the same way an infectious disease takes advantage of a sucking chest wound...and it is absolutely okey-dokey with Republicans.
It's perfectly OK with Iowa farmers and with retired WWII vets in Florida. With laid-off steel-workers in Gary. With soccer-moms in Phoenix and hardware store owners in Springfield, Illinois. It is perfectly OK with these people that we are being bled out one pint at a time in the deserts of Iraq because of a lie.
Or, put it a different way:
There was a moment that followed expenditure of the last Right Wing bitter breathe that shouted that all Liberals are Traitors for ever doubting that Iraq was thick with WMD’s and nearly-completed nukes. Festooned with AQ training camps and mobile weapons labs. Positively choking with direct complicity for 9/11 and imminent, drawn-dagger threat to our Nation.
And then came that hovering moment of silence as it all fell apart.
No weapons.
No complicity.
No involvement of any kind whatsoever.
No “greeted as liberators”.
No “cake walk”.
No self-funded war.
No “slam dunk.”
No, not just one piece of it. Not a blowjob. Not a stained dress. Not 49 or 51 percent of it shown to be wrong.
All of it.
All of it wrong.
All of it a lie.
Every last fetid bit of it shown to be utterly, criminally false.
Gasping on the last wisp of oxygen of the WMD Justification as it turned to cyanotic poison in their lungs...the Republicans drew another breath. And these same Republicans who were willing the burn the country to the ground to impeach a Democratic President over consensual sex between adults because any President must be held to the highest possible standards, began screaming at 1,000 decibels that WMD’s were now irrelevant.
Nuke-talk was now inoperative.
Al Qaeda links were now off-the-table...and how dare anyone suggest that anything had ever been otherwise...and whatsamatta you; you luv Saddam Hussein of somethin’?!
Never blinked once.
Never even an itty, bitty apology for the deaths, for the lies, for the duplicity, or even for their grotesque hypocrisy: just all of their calculatedly hatemongering demagoguery – the same fucking 20-year-old, Newt Gingrich “Anyone who ain’t with us is a Traitor” script – brazenly turned on its head and “repurposed” in front of the whole world.
In that moment they chose to call treason “strength”, and treachery “staying the course”.
In that moment the Republicans chose to sell out their principles, their party and their souls to the Great Lie. Decided to use their thin majority to ram it though at any price, and demonize anyone that pointed out the blindingly obvious fact that that Emperor is most definitely Naked.
A naked liar.
Decided to rape the Truth in broad daylight and then bitch-slap it around the block and back again, and then dare it to raise its voice in protest.
In that tiny interval, in that moment all alone in the voting booths, in that long, dark night of the Conservative Soul, people with whom I might have often disagreed but before now almost always respected chose to kneel to the Lie. To offer up the heart of a free nation on the altar of the Great Liar.
Everything else follows from this primal fall from grace.
The cravenness and willfull and inexplicable blindness of the press. The fevered shrillness of the GOP. Their overwhelming willingness to embrace catastrophically extreme positions, even when that defense directly contradicts things that were stanchly defended mere moments before. Terry Schiavo. The war on the judiciary. All of it. Once the criminals that now work the levers or power inside the Republican Party discovered that no Moderate had the balls to hold them to account for their crimes, the cancer gleefuly metastasized
The fascists among them are loving this – and make no mistake, since the beginning of recorded history the likes of Bush and Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz have always bayed and beckoned at the ragged edge of civilization, calling us back into the blood and frenzy of cult and hate and darkness – but now the equation has changed. Now they’re inside the wire, and the rest of the Republican press and party are so fucking terrified at where their new masters are driving the bus that they dare not look up.
The Great Lie.
A voluntary, complicit and cold-blooded strangulation of The Truth that will define our age as surely as John Wilkes Boothe defined the end of the Civil War and Lee Harvey Oswald defined the end of Camelot.
What brings this to mind?
The number 1,346, and many thanks to Air America where I first heard this and grytpype on DemocraticUnderground for pointing this out.
This is number of days between the attack on Pearl Harbor and the end of World War II.
This has also been the same number of days that have elapsed between September 11th, 2001 and May 19th, 2005. In other words, since Thursday.
In the case of WWII, by the 1,346th day we had joined a truly global alliance, had taken down two, evil world-wide empires and utterly destroyed those who attacked us.
In the case of the Bush War, the man that masterminded the murder of our fellow citizens walks free and easy abroad in the mountains of a country that is a known whelping box for terrorists, and the Republican President just “isn’t that worried about him” He has managed to alienated most of the rest of the human race with his noxious combination of thuggish, fuck-you arrogance, smirking Perfect Fundamentalist Certainty About Everything and lying, while at the same time we die a little bit each day in the Iraqi quagmire into which he has sunk our military; a quagmire in the heart of a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.
A war with no justification, no Casus Belli, no upper limit on the cost and no end in sight.
So where is your almighty, “No Man is above the Law” outrage now, you craven “Moderates”?
Where the fuck is it now that the Crime and the Criminal finally matches all of that self-righteous Clinton-era rhetoric?
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To date, this is how the very few interactions I've had with Never Trumpers have gone, because I want to talk about the Befor...
Among us elitist, Liberal swingin' dicks who live lives of unspeakable privilege and luxury out here in the Middle of Amer...
OBL is one of the CIA's most important assests, we can't just turn our backs on our friend. Saddam was never important to us, except when Rummy was selling him guns because he was fighting Iran. Oh, wait...
The day of reckoning will come and it will be far uglier than the fundies even dream.
PS-Sorry the Cubbies lost. Does that account for your mood, or did the girls not show up?
I casn understand why Wal-Mart Nation supports this ass-hat administration. To the booboisie, voting for president is not much different from voting for American Idol. But do the Karzais and the Sistanis of the world understand the depth and the breadth of the pure, undistilled contempt in which they are held by the Fundies?
Do they know that this administration is in the thrall of a group who have been commanded by Gawd to convert their ignorant, heathen asses? Do they understand that the Frists and the Dobsons have already consigned even the most peaceful, tolerant and benign of the Islamic community to the fiery pit of Hell for all of eternity?
Personally, I don't understand why any of them would have anything to do with any of us, in light of the sheer, unvarnished hatred which our Dear Leaders bear for them and their entire faith.
And the Fundies feel the same way about Jews, I suspect. But the enemy of our enemy is our friend. But since they don't accept the Lord Jeebus as their savior, they're going to that big pig roast underground along with the other unsaved savages.
In the case of the Bush War, the man that masterminded the murder of our fellow citizens walks free and easy abroad in the mountains of a country that is a known whelping box for terrorists.
Not exactly. He walks free and easy here in Washington, DC:
Also a known whelping box for terrorists, of the state-sponsored variety.
I have to say I really enjoyed your post. Funny, mordant and more than a little rude, but you used a sweeping generalization.
Yeah, I'll admit it, even in polite company.
I'm a Republican.
I'm a Republican who believes in no god or any power superior to my own reasoning mind, and knows, based on all available scientific evidence, that I descended from earlier, 'simpler' forms of life.
I'm a Republican who isn't wealthy, and who believes that the government should live paycheck to paycheck, just as I do.
I'm a Republican who knew back in 2002 that we had No Good Reason to invade Iraq, and have been vilified for being right.
And yes, I voted for Kerry last November because I felt that we had to stop the blathering Roundhead madness of the neocons and stop the Bombs-n-Jesus crowd from turning this country into some twisted amalgam of Cuba and Iran.
So, not all Republicans are vicious cultists and wealthy perverts.
So, not all Republicans are vicious cultists and wealthy perverts.
Some Republicans have both brains and spines and independence of thought, and thank God for you. But there aren't enough of you.
So, not all Republicans are vicious cultists and wealthy perverts.
Yes, I know many Republicans who feel the same way you do. granted, they live in Massachusetts, but they're still loyal to their party. Many of them voted for Kerry, this time.
Unfortunately, your party has been hijacked by the right.
Driftglass, Your blog is wonderful.
I read it everyday.
I loved your piece on 1812 - It was brilliant.
As Shakespeare said, "All out yesterdays light fools the way to dusty death."
When will we ever learn.
sorry, I meant to write:
"All our yesterdays light fools the way to dusty death."
"I'm a Republican who knew back in 2002 that we had No Good Reason to invade Iraq, and have been vilified for being right.
And yes, I voted for Kerry last November because I felt that we had to stop the blathering Roundhead madness of the neocons and stop the Bombs-n-Jesus crowd from turning this country into some twisted amalgam of Cuba and Iran."
So, you're, like, Bizarro Driftglass?
Actually, I like the accidental phrase: "All-out yesterday.' Sorta describes the philosophy on Jerry Falwell in a nutshell :-)
More to the point, welcome to the fight and thank you for the well-reasoned comments.
You describe the outlines of the conversation I wish we all had been having these last five years.
I started replying in a little greater detail, but I think I'd rather just do it via a post, so keep watching the skies!
Roxtar, LOL. Allow me to explain.
I am in law enforcement, and one thing that you get taught (usually by experience) is the ability to spot when you're being manipulated. I call it my bullshit detector.
Back in 2002, we were deep in Tora Bora and losing sight of bin Laden when the government suddenly started drawing attention to Iraq. Now, anyone who tells you "Quick! Look over there!" while you're trying to watch him do something is obviously trying to manipulate you. The Bushite Junta's actions set off my bullshit detector.
So I watched, and listened, and read everything I could (including a fascinating interview on NPR with the former head of Iraq's nuke program in January 03). I was not convinced that we had a case to invade Iraq. I sat through Colin Powell's entire speech to the Security Council, and was convinced that the wool was being pulled over our eyes.
Then came the shabby way BushCo recruited the "coalition of the willing." Offering increased aid as an inducement smacks to me of bribery, and offends my sense of propriety.
I was convinced when we started our invasion that it would not end well. I was vilified for being defeatist and a traitor, but I was right. Sometimes I hate being right.
I think part of the problem is that the nation is losing its heart and soul. There are three reasons for this that all feed into one another. 1) The cult of money-worship and the damage it is inflicting on society, especially as corporations feel an increasing sociopathic entitlement to screw the American people in order to further their monetary bottom line. 2) The "my shit never stinks" mentality that is making public and private morality so corrupt. 3) With the lot of the average person worsening, life is a struggle to stay afloat financially for an increasing number of people. All these things together have made us into a society of people who, with some notable individual exceptions, just don't care. We take moral mediocrity, ugly selfishness, and corruption for granted now.
Way to go on sticking to your guns when you knew you were being bamboozled. Another thing that happened in the lead-up to the invasion was that minor nations that were reluctant to go along with the "coalition of the willing" were subjected to all manner of bullying tactics (such as their diplomats' channels of communications being illegally monitored) by US so-called diplomats.
And as an example of how brazen the lying was in the lead-up to the war, you might know that Saddam Hussein's son-in-law, when he defected to the West, stated his belief that Iraqi WMD's were all destroyed. Well, in late 2002, the neo-con talking heads on the Sunday morning shows were making the rounds saying that the son-in-law had said that the WMD programs were very much alive and kicking! This is just one example of how our public morality has just slithered into the sewers, as I said in my previous post on this thread.
I want to respond to your posts about the money culture and how it may be adversely affecting American life. I heard a great interview with an economist who had just written a book (this was Wednesday of last week, and I wasn't paying attention). He posed the question, "When does the growth of a culture become cancerous, as a cell's growth can, when unchecked, become cancerous?"
Or words to that effect.
Anyway, it got me thinking. Our cultural hegemony has spread across the planet like a fungus. There are maybe two places on Earth that haven't yet heard of Coca-Cola, for example - although I can't for the life of me think of where they could be! Coupling this cultural imperialism with our current attempts at Manifest Destiny (we've got guns, you've got stuff, so it's Manifest Destiny we use guns to take your stuff), we are trying to emulate the British Empire, or at least Rome.
It's ironic - back in the 70s evangelical Christians were drawing comparisons between the US and Rome, anxiously awaiting the Rapture. Now they draw the same parallels, but in a more positive light. "Plus ca change, plus ca meme chose ..."
- Walt
Oh, by the way, if I hear the term "coalition of the willing" one more time, I'm goung to vomit at high noon on the courthouse lawn.
A coalition of the unwilling is called a "press gang" or a "slave plantation", but the one thing it is not called is a "coalition."
And Walt...I'm in the criminal justice biz, too, but I don't know any cops who think that they are in a "coalition" with their string of snitches and informants. But as to their bullshit detectors, I suspect they are calibrated daily with a tuning fork, just like radar.....
Good on you, Drift.
I do so love pointing out to my conservative bluegrass pickin' buddies that when the REAL perpetrator of 9-11 regularly appears on our living room TV's, lecturing and wagging his dick at us, it sorta/kinda puts the shits to what a great job junior is doing waging the "war on terrr".
And, of course, Afghanistan is teetering on the brink of a relapse.
It's WAAAAY safer for Hamid Karzai to fly to Washington for a congratulatory "mission accomplished" photo-op with junior, than it is for him to set foot outside of Kabul.
Good stuff, Drift!
And what's the big deal about showing Saddam in his skivvies? It's about all that bushCo has left to crow about.
"See! See! Saddam in his fruit-of-the-looms! Pay no attention to the bloody mayhem; the psychotically violent "culture" that we've created in Iraq; the 50% unemployment...the fact that, in order to still "believe", red-state americans have voluntarily abdicated the ability to string two consecutive thoughts together. None of that matters! What counts is that we got practically the entire "deck of cards"...
Of course, it turns out that it's not a gin rummy-canasta deck. It's a strange, bloody new game, with thousands of "jokers", and we don't seem to be able to find many of them."
I mean, just what the fuck is the Pentagon going to DO to Rupert Murdoch? Make him buy Saddam some designer thong pecker-checkers?
Good post
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