Sunday, September 22, 2024

Life In Hell


Thanks to Alert Reader Erika for pointing this out!

I Am The Liberal Media


Just another boomer said...

Don't fear, Hewitt gets around to slagging the PSA guys as now "just more predictably hard-left." He then uses WaPo's real estate to pump the "often sharp and funny political podcasts coming from the right-of-center and conservative side.

Hewitt Hewitt has a regular radio show. Just the week before, the week of the debate, he was using his time to expain how the debate was good for Trump. Maybe he should use his own air time to pimp for his bros' podcasts--but first he should consider serving up some "sharp and funny political" columns in WaPo.

myklgrant said...

Listen to Olbermann. You really won't find Hugh Hewitt, or anyone in the legacy media, praising him. Olbermann and driftglass are the only two who properly call out the legacy media. Driftglass for print, Olberman for television. Both have the levels of anger, knowledge and snark that I need.

SteveSteve said...

The Professional Left Podcast > Pod Save America

driftglass said...

I am familiar with the works of Hugh Hewitt :-)

driftglass said...

Thanks. We've also been doing a twice-a-week podcast for +14 years now if you're interested. The Professional Left podcast

Anonymous said...

And around the roundabout we go, again.

Oh, look. Here's Axios casually whistling past more proof of Trump's lack of stamina and vigor (again).

(It's a digby link which refers to the Axios story, because fuck Axios. With power tools.)

The money quote:

The campaign says he’s planning to do more rallies down the stretch but it’s highly unlikely he’ll do five a day as he sometimes did in 2016. You have to love this from Axios:

Breaking it down: People in Trump’s camp give three primary reasons he’s hitting the road less this time, Axios’ Sophia Cai reports:

He’s a known quantity. The campaign feels less need to define him or his candidacy for voters this time around.

Rallies are expensive. Trump’s campaign managers this cycle are keeping a closer hold on the purse strings.

He’s older, and more inclined to spend his time at Mar-a-Lago.

Gosh, I’m so old I remember when such an observation would have caused the entire beltway establishment to rise up as one questioning whether he has the stamina to be president for four years. In fact, it might have been seen as totally disqualifying.

I guess they figure that all that bonzer and Tresseme hair spray are elixers that will keep him going despite the demonstrable dementia on the stump and his low energy level.

Kind of like that line in Hazbin Hotel: "... to the cannibal town, where they don't wear a frown, because... HOLYSHIT, OH MY GOSH, WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!"

Literally. Why.

Thanks for all you do. You've both read these words from me several times, but no matter how hard the conserva-mainstream media circle-jerks itself and props up its own output while determinedly ignoring dissenting voices, WE FUCKIN' SEE Y'ALL OUT HERE. Out here in the real world. And we appreciate.

Thanks for all you do.

Erika said...

There is a club, and they are now in it. And really, it has to do with a couple of things. Namely, 1) They’re white dudes, who 2) have DC insider political clout/know dish about people you’ve only read about, and 3) are willing to kiss Legacy Media ass in exchange for name recognition and a spot at the Adult’s Table. It seemed for a few years that they were willing to leverage 1 and 2 for Team Good, but they just could not resist the siren’s song blaring from the Beltway press’s cocktail orgies. The real test was seeing that dagger of press-manufactured Concern over Biden’s age just lying on the table and they went for it. Congrats, guys…you’ve Arrived.