The palindrome of Bolton would be Notlob. It don't work!

First, based on the “Not Lob” questions that the “Suddenly Spineful!” Dems have been firing across the plate, I must say it appears that, once again, Monty Python has proven to be the prescient source of all wise things.
So good on them: credit where credit is due and so forth.
Second, while Bolton seems to be the very embodiment of the whole Bush Package -- flagrant disregard for the facts in favor of a creepy, absolutist ideology...oily suck-uppery when it comes to making with the lavish boss-anal-labiation...some particular species of world-class incompetence that makes him uniquely unsuited for the position into which he’s being rammed...a contempt for those beneath him that would make a Prussian Aristocrat blush – he nonetheless seems to be lacking a certain...subtle...something.
I can’t quite put my finger on it...
There's a really good film of Bolton ranting on this site.
Drift, good photoshop work!!!
Aren't they a pair?
Bush's "twistees"....smileface...
Photoshop that silly white moustache on to Jeff Gannon's chrome dome and just image Dubya's analingus pleasure.
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