
Saturday, April 18, 2015

10 Years After: 2013 -- John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! Can You Fucking Believe It?!?!

The 10th blogiversary fundraiser continues with the Snowden Year of 2013.  

In 2013, the Beltway Gasbag Conclave continued to use up a year's worth of exclamation-points every time a broken down crank like John McCain (R - Green Room) doddered off one Sunday show and on to another to continued  yelling at that damn Kenyan feller to get the hell offa his lawn.  

John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the...


John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! 

Did I mention that they finally, finally got

The J.D. Salinger American politics himself: John Sidney Jumpjet Hoarfrost Hardcheese Ironstag Thunderbung Gogurt Titclamp Shamwow Keating Five Pyroclast McCain III 

They did!  
They really did!

And now you can tell your children, 
your grandchildren and your
great-grandchildren you were there the day you heard...

John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! 

John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! 
John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! 

John McCain! 
 On "Meet the Press"! 
John McCain! 
 On "Meet the Press"! 

Did I mention 

John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! 

Did I mention it's not just any show, its
"Meet The God Damn Press"?

John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! 

Isn't that exciting!?!

John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! 

Call your friends!  
Cancel church!  
Ring the carillon!

John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"!



John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! John McCain! Exclusively! On "Meet the Press"! 

 Oh boy!

It has been reliably reported that John By God McCain will be sharing the spotlight for some reason with serial political failure and Destroyer of Companies Carly Fiorina, and serial Conservative liar Alex Castellanos about whom more than enough has already been written.

It has also been reliably reported that, per the Beltway Media's ancient and inviolable "Gingrich Rules", by virtue of drawing the short straw at last week's Secret Media Cabal meeting, this week The Clinton Guy Shocked By Blowjobs (h/t Charlie Pierce) assumes the solemn responsibility for bringing coffee and donuts to the next Secret Media Cabal meeting, passing out the agenda ("Item One:  Defend the prerogatives of the rich to the death") and re-re-rehabilitating the public image of Baron Grifthausen:


Any of which, in a normal week, would be considered almost unbearably exciting.

But, of course, this is not a normal week. 

And none of it can hold a candle to...

 John McCain! 

On "Meet the Press"!


  1. Wait a minute, hold on. Let me see if I'm following you correctly here.

    John McCain. Exclusively. On Meet
    the Press.

    Have I got it?

  2. Could somebody tell me where I might be able to catch up with John McCain this weekend?
