
Thursday, October 12, 2023

Professional Left Podcast Episode #750

"Don't shoot the piano player, he's doing the best that he can."  --  Unknown


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The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!


  1. Is this the pro left internationale' podcast?

    The international Sci Fi podcast? Am I in the right place, is this the right planet?

    One short on Israel/ Hamas conflict. Netanyahu smells of GW Bush ignoring warning signs to have some gross act take place to have the consensus to do something he wanted and could not without such a Hamas attack. It reeks.
    One thing for sure. Media is not concerned with taking land for settlements by Israelis.

    Tell your former Representative Rodney I feel sorry for him and that he should pull himself up by his boot straps.
    Thoughts and prayers to him. I hope he doesn't replace his socialized congressional health care with an Obamacare socialized affordable plan that actually covers care for what he pays. It would be awful if he did.

    Gee, I wonder what the media would be saying if the Senate had to choose a new Senate Majority Leader and they decided on Sen. Bob Menendez???

    I notice the media won't ask the senate GOP to help the Sen Dems out to confirm an Israeli ambassador or to confirm the top military promotions requiring confirmation by the senate.
    As for the house speaker.
    As Newt was drowning himself and his GOP house colleagues in nastiness and corruption. He pushed impeachment of a president for having Consensual sex between two adults (out of wedlock. How Speaker Newt was found to have sex with interns on his present wives twice. And marrying each.
    (later that 3rd woman he had sex with outside his marriage, that adulteress was confirmed to ambassador to the Vatican).
    After removing the Newt, up rose GOP Rp. Livingston who was a sure thing for speaker until his ongoing sex outside of his marriages with an intern got public.

    Then the GOP discovered Denny Hastert who they made speaker and in line to the president. A speaker who paid hush money to families of children he sexually abused. A Speaker pedophile who was found guilty by a jury of his peers of child sex abuse. The GOP made him speaker )in line to the presidency) for all Americans.
    He gave us the Hastert rule. To be bi partisan the Hastert Rule was/ is that no bill reaches the floor for a vote unless it has the majority republican votes to pass. Sure Dems could vote along.

    That is the GOP moral compass that Dems should step on and support as far as the press is concerned.

    Like saving the gas stoves in a free market . passing bill to make the pay of the Defense Secretary $1.00 because the GOP's past speaker allowed to be voted on.

    But hey
    I am out here trying to be the best person my dog thinks I am.
    Not to forget, if dog is spelled backwards.

  2. Twitter or X or whatever the fuck Elmo is calling it these days won't let anyone without an account read anyone's feed, you get their header, a pinned tweet if they have one, and a random selection of tweets from their past that doesn't change on subsequent visits. Right now the top tweet that appears on Paul Krugman's feed is this:

    Paul Krugman
    @paulkrugman 3:48 PM · May 22, 2020
    Has anyone pointed out that Biden is capable of admitting error? That by itself puts him on a higher moral plane than you know who

    Seemed somewhat relevant given the first subject of the podcast.
    There is a Twitter scraper called Nitter that stopped working this week, that for a while allowed me to read the feeds of the people I like, and while that was working I saw the exodus happening. Mr. Krugman has a Blue Sky account, the Rude Pundit is over at Threads, and lots of the (mostly musicians) folks I would normally read have just stopped posting.
    Never having had a Twitter or Facebook account (I did briefly have a MySpace page because there was a lot of music you couldn't get to without one) I'm not likely to get to read these refugees from Elmo any more. So far, an account has been required to view content on all of these platforms.
    Perhaps someone else will come up with a workaround to get to read the feeds that I used to read, but until then, no more Shark Fu, Jason Isbell, or Fantastic Negrito.
    Fuck you, Elmo, I hope your balls drop off into your shoe and you step on them.
    I have nothing to say about the war in Gaza.
    Thank you again for the podcast. My friend Nathan has two AIs on two of his main computers, and so far he has resisted my suggestions that he train one of them to say "Both sides do it" over and over in preparation for the next time Meet the Press needs a new host.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine
