This is the headline in
The Washington Post
Illinois Democrats drew new maps. The changes pushed the GOP to the right.The state’s congressional redistricting illustrates how gerrymandering hollows out the political center and strengthens the fringe, experts say.
Wow. Illinois must have a real and
distinctively Illinois problem to warrant dispatching WaPo's
"senior correspondent covering national and international affairs", Kevin Sullivan and Clara Ence Morse, data intern, all the way from
Washington, D.C. to the continental interior!
And where did they go to and who did they talk to to get the real, inside dope
on gerrymandering?
They tell you that in the first two paragraphs!
TAYLORVILLE, Ill. — On a warm Friday night in the St. Mary’s Catholic Church parking lot, sweating men sipping cold beers dipped fish fillets into bubbling deep fryers as children played on the bouncy castle.
This down-home fish fry used to be a regular stop for U.S. Rep. Rodney Davis, a moderate Republican who grew up in this former coal town in Central Illinois. But that was before new district lines drawn in 2021 pushed him into far more conservative terrain — and into competition with a fellow GOP incumbent...
Wow again! And poor Rodney David! Those Illinois Democrats must be
uniquely despicable to warrant being called out in the first sentence of the
headline, and blamed for the Illinois GOP losing it's mind in the second
If only someone, somewhere had a solution. But I guess not. I
guess we're just screwed forever.
And then...literally 41 paragraphs later.
The parties have different stances on how to address gerrymandering. Democrats have pushed for federal legislation that would require that maps be drawn by independent commissions; Republicans have largely resisted those calls.
Ah. So its the Democrats have repeatedly proposed an equitable
solution and Rodney Davis's party that has killed it. Weird how you have
to slog through 43 paragraphs to find that out.
The whole article is hilariously slanted that way
The only actual Illinois humans they talk to are…
- Rodney Davis
- A supporter of Rodney Davis
- The “nonpartisan” mayor of Taylorville who is still registered as a Democrat but, y'know what they say about Taylorville Democrats.
- Some cranks in the adjacent district whe feel cheated that they couldn’t still vote for far-right conspiracy flake Mary Miller.
- And someone from Adam Kinzinger’s new “ I Was Redistricted Out Of Office and all I got was this lousy cable news gig” PAC.
That would be the same Hero of the Resistance Adam Kinzinger whose Farewell
Cruel Congress speech was larded with Both Siderist crap like this:
To my Democratic colleagues, you must too bear the burden of our failures.
The same Adam Kinzinger who, when redistricting presented him with an
opportunity to run against exactly the kind of MAGA Republican he claims to
despise, instead chose to cut and run. apparently so he could preserve his
future viability in Illinois Republican politics, which I wrote about here.
"Why Did Adam Kinzinger Cut and Run?"
Anyway, once you get deeper into the article, the writers do bother to
mention that Texas is pretty god-awful. That more Republican states
are gerrymandered to within an inch of their lives. That Republicans
are willing to buck the Supreme Court to keep black people from voting.
Gerrymandering was also given a huge boost in 2019 by the U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled 5-4. that partisan redistricting is a political question that must be decided by legislators, not federal courts.
Care take a wild guess as to which party appointed the justices that made up that five vote majority?
The writers also worked hard to drag the Overton Window over far enough so
they could write about Rodney Davis as a “moderate”, which is only true in a
technical sense if you reposition the "moderate Center" a million miles to
the Right to account for the number of absolute lunatics that Republicans
have been sending to Congress for decades.
Consider the case of Harriet Hagemann who is straight-up batshit crazy, and
who beat Liz Cheney out of her seat in the House. Cheney was about as
far right as any Republican in congress: someone who was only too happy to
praise and support Donald Trump and demonize Democrats with brazen
lies...right up to the point of Trump's coup. That was enough to get
her primaried right out of her seat by a gibbering freak like Hagemann,
despite Cheney begging Democrats interfere in the Republican primary by
switching sides and voting for her (Fun Fact: Dems trying to fiddle
around in few Republican primaries was denounced as the
by Kinzinger, David Brooks and the entire Bulwark crew when it affected
a candidate they favored.)
Gerrymandering had nothing to do with Cheney losing her seat. She lost
because the baseline crazy of the GOP base has been rising exponentially for
decades. It was a rising tide Cheney was only tooo happy to ride into
office, but one which swamped her once she lost her footing.
The article is also shot through with the usual Both Siderism, like this
quote from Davis
“You have people in Congress, in both parties, who are rewarded
for not working with the other side.”
Really? Because two short weeks ago, Democrats handed Kevin McCarty a
life-line and saved the day by keeping the government open, when Davis’
party was trying to shut it down. Then McCarthy stabbed Democrats in the
Remember that Davis was Trump’s House leader on trying to take health care
away from millions of Americans, including my family, by repealing the
Affordable Care Act. And Davis voted to repeal the ACA upwards of 60
During Trump’s presidency Davis voted in line with Trump's position
nearly 90% of the time,
Davis voted for House Resolution.59 – Continuing Appropriations Resolution,
2014, which resulted in the government shutdown of 2013.
Davis voted for the Trump Tax Scam in 2017.
Davis voted against both articles of impeachment against Trump.
In November 2021, Davis voted against censuring Paul Gosar, the Republican
shitbag who had shared an animated video of himself killing a fellow member
of Congress and assaulting the president. When a majority of the House voted
to censure Gosar, Davis criticized Nancy Pelosi, saying she had
"torn the fabric of this House apart".
But the funniest part of the article was the interview with the Mary Miller
supporter who is no longer in her district. Oakland Illinois mayor
Jack Turner. He said her extreme wingnut politics represented Oakland
well, and
"That was taken away from us, and I think that’s unfair.”
And yet Turner then turned right around and said this.
“Now you’re either way left or way right, There used to be a middle road, and the middle road was fine. Why does it have to be this extreme?"
Hey dumbass. Your pal Mary Miller? She is the
extreme right. And it's mopes like you who are the fucking
problem. Mopes like you who happily vote for goons like Miller and
then expect everyone else to do the work of maintaining your
fantasy of a "middle road".
The problem is not that Rodney Davis got moved to s different district, and
it certainly not that
Illinois Democrats drew new maps. The changes pushed the GOP to the right.
The problem is that the Illinois Republican party -- like every other state
Republican party -- has lost its damn mind.
Consider who Republicans nominated to run for governor in 2020. Darren
Fucking Bailey. If you you know, you know, and if you don' my
blog. The race for governor is a state-wide race which is not affected
by gerrymandering. Bailey represented the preference of the Republican
voters of Illinois, god help us all.
Then consider a different statewide election. Illinois Democrats
renominated and ran Senator Dick Durbin for re-election. Durbs has
been a senator for 26 years. He's from downstate. He lives in
Davis' former district. And he is generally considered to be as wild
and controversial as warm skim milk. Durbin represents the preference
of the Democratic voters of Illinois.
Finally, consider the sort of speakers the Sangamon County Republican Party
-- the county where I live -- brings every years to raise money and fire up
the faithful in featured speakers at their annual Lincoln Day dinner.
These are the speakers that organizes know that the donors and the base want
to hear from. And this year it was...Kellyanne Conway.
And last year?
Last year the Sangamon County Republican Party celebrated the legacy of
Abraham Lincoln by paying Charlie Fucking Kirk $30,000 plus expenses to
come to town and spin up the crazies.
And before Chuckles Kirk it was Candace Owens.
And before that it was Jason Chaffetz, one-time congressperson and current
Fox News troll who now lives in Donald Trump's underwear drawer, and now
blocks the little blue light on Trump's phone now that the FBO has taken
away the classified file folder he used to use.
The year before that it was Fox News in-house train-wreck/barfly,
Jeanine Pirro.
The year before that wingnut-network-job-hopper and H.R. Haldeman
stunt-double, Corey Lewandowski.
The year before that, in 2016, it was none other than Fox News prime-time
Gorgon and Keith Olbermann's former girlfriend, Laura Ingraham.
If you're interested, I wrote a
whole thing about it here, which also includes links to other pieces I've written about previous
And here, at last, it the point. The entire Republican
party, from crotch to crown, is an existential threat to our
democracy. And I am cool with any method within the law
that reins them in and, eventually, chokes them out of power.
I Am The Liberal Media
Wow, the Post wrote an article about Illinois politics, right in your wheelhouse. I wonder, though, how many people there read your blog? The NY Times recently wrote an article but people move from Red states Blue states, and vice versa. Parents of a transitioning child moved to Massachusetts for his safety. The other couple moved from Oregon to Idaho because they were sick and tired of seeing those unsightly homeless people in Portland. Same thing!
ReplyDeletei'd like to see grover norquist drown in a bath tub...not figuratively...literally.
ReplyDeleteWell of course you're upset Driftglass, you're silly enough to bring silly things like facts and reality into the discussion, if you instead lived in PunditWorld TM then you'd understand that words only exist so as to mollify adverstisers, editors and people tbe writers meet at parties, any actual relationship to the real world is purely coincidental.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand why these religious' republicans do not, can not, will not trust in their GOD to do the right thing.
ReplyDeleteIt seems they are praying or praying enough. Perhaps their prayers aren't heard because they are selfish and mean spirited.
Of course there is that, "God helps those who help themselves", which means you are on your own and God has nothing to do with it. The same religious republicans that tells you God will take care of al with Truckle down tax cuts. When it doesn't occur? There is none of those who told us that line to question and answer for the failed economics.
I am not saying to people there is no GOD for them. I am questioning the people who smear their "personal held religious beliefs on us". That do not display any moral character or limitations but claim they are closer to God than me or you and their God is superior to yours.
We see the zealotry results in Hamas's actions that will never end with their claims of what they aspire.
Why is it some people just cannot believe in their faith they wish , abide to their belief and live their own lives by that?
As long as they do not harm or intrude on others and their freedom. Otherwise, their is no freedom.
Is that really so hard to grasp?
The other couple moved from Oregon to Idaho because they were sick and tired of seeing those unsightly homeless people in Portland.
ReplyDeleteAnd, oh yeah, mentioned waaaaay down...they moved for a lower cost of living and to be near their family...but that's not juiced enough of a narrative.
For years, Ms. Huckins’s daughter from her first marriage, Stacee Hord, had encouraged her mother and stepfather to move to Missouri, where her young family had settled. After resolving to move out of Portland late last year, Missouri was the obvious choice of a destination for the Huckinses because of their three grandchildren
Be fair. Republicans have a limited number of talking points. If they can’t blame Democrats, they can’t fill the hour.
ReplyDeleteI see in Will county a pro life religious republican (landlord to Muslims).
ReplyDeleteDropped by his property to visit his tenants. The 6 yr old did not survive . I read the mother did.
Because when a religious pro life republicans feeds himself hate at the FOX hate smorgasbord 24/7 and because the GOP are the superior race and all. Bedsides, Th Donald told them he can shoot and kill someone on 5th Ave. in braod daylight and get away with it, if he can so to can other republicans (only).
He decided he could do this atrocity that will make the other atrocity go away.
But their will be one less republican voter in Will County, IL..
Perhaps you should take a closer peek at your landlord?
You may not be Muslim but Liberal to them is no better.