
Monday, October 30, 2023

Birthday Finale Two-Fer: The How, The Why and The What Next.

Don't forget the goggles.

In October of 2015 I provided this Helpful Guide For "Reasonable" Conservatives Who Are Somehow Only Now Starting To Figure Out That The Republican Party Is Irredeemably Insane.

Six years earlier, in September of 2009, I had written a long, well-received piece that explains how and why the Republican party had become irredeemably insane.  Which you are free to forward along to any Never Trumper who still maintains that the rise of a monster like Trump was somehow completely unforeseeable and had nothing to do with them

Anyway, on October 25 of 2010, just when I despaired of having something cool to post that day, I found that reader Ben Riddle has taken it upon himself to turn the text of my 09/11/08 "Like a Virgin" post into a narrated, two-part, pre-election special video.

Part I: The Public Record..."Because he had a 'D' after his name..."

Here is Part II: Like a Virgin

Once again, many thanks Ben.

Oh, and Conservatives, if you ever wondered why the Left finds you loathsome beyond redemption and thinks your ridiculous Teabagger Movement was at once hilarious, tragic and obscene, this is why.

1 comment:

  1. Jon Sitzman12:50 PM

    Hey guys hey guys hey guys!


    It's sort of like following a slime trail back through time. Or if you prefer, following the scent of incompetence and corruption.

    Then again, we are talking about Republicans, so.

    Thanks for all you do.
