
Monday, July 18, 2016

Rupert Murdoch Gives a Troublesome Underling Some Options

In unrelated news, as a part of its new "Lurch Right" campaign, MSNBC is rumored to have a new show in development tentatively entitled "What Ailes Ya!" starring a notable media person!


  1. Murdoch: "A few hands MIGHT get dirty polishing that turd, but they ain't gonna be mine."

  2. In other News, News Corp has an opening for an attractive young lady in a gold bikini for a sailing adventure! Must have knowledge of chains, however, pays extraordinary well for an afternoon's work (cheaper than the settlement). Call Lachlan Murdoch for further details.

  3. Bah, it's like giving a ninety year old life in prison. This monster has already wrecked the place.
    On the other hand I like the optics of this POS going down in flames. It will take decades to revise this story.

  4. Fox News' very own Jabba the Hut tossed out of his own creation by the sleazy Murdoch family. You gotta be really worthless to earn that. Fox News is still influential with the GOP geriatrics but it peaked during the early Tea Party period and has been on a slow slide since. It's not going away, of course, because it gets lots of corporate support but its collection of assholes are mostly just ignored by almost everybody.

  5. Now news and politics show hosted by Lurch from The Addams Family is something I would watch.

  6. It is not fair,

    Wait for Roger to accuse and sue Murdoch for sexual workplace harassment.

    Ailes probably had to perform for Murdoch like Bill O'Reilly had to perform for Ailes to get his job.
    But Ailes has to be spitting all over the walls because BillO got to keep his job after his Flaffa episode and his long history of war zones he was never in. Not to mention the hundreds of cameramen BillO has saved in battle.

    You think Roger Ailes will spend a lot of time reminiscing with Dennis Hastert.

  7. He will be dead in a few months and no one will mention this indecent end in all the glowing obituaries of corporate media.
