
Monday, June 06, 2016

A Wingnut Family Affair: The Final Episode

and introducing

David French as loyal manservant "Mr. French"

In the series finale, "Doing The French Mistake II"...
Uncle Bill Kristol's absolute,  take-it-to-the-bank, mortal-lock, Serious Third Party Candidate runs away. 
Because Jesus.

Not since the ill-fate Profit
do I remember a series starring an affluent sociopath with a horrifying agenda going from "widely touted" to "dead as disco" this fast.


  1. You don't understand: Bill "Always Wrong" Kristol has a reputation to keep up, i.e. always being stupid and, well, wrong. Wingnut welfare is a nice cushy sinecure but it does tend to make one look even stupider than he or she already is.

  2. So has he officially given up his quest yet, or do we have to wait for a Rove-esque TV meltdown, or likelier still an ongoing denial of reality that extends into his dotage?

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. So French had to bother "god" to figure out this wasn't a good idea?

    It only took me knowing that stupid Kristol thought that French was a qualified and good candidate to realize how monumentally ridiculous a French candidacy was. And given the other elebenty bazillion R candidates this year, that's saying something.

    Does Kristol get bonuses or something for coming up with the dumbest stuff on record? Inquiring minds...

  4. I anticipate his buds at the round table will bring this up Sunday. Uh-huh.

  5. I'm not sure that David French understands that "Jesus Christ, Bill, what did you do to me???" counts as "much prayer." Or thought.

  6. can you imagine how quickly Drumpf would destroy a candidate whose actual name is "FRENCH"?

    I must admit French's piece in NR is highly amusing. Which indicates that I have a twisted sense of humor...

  7. I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers "Profit."

  8. For Bill Bloody,

    Where failure unfolds lies opportunity.

    Think Tom Cotton/ Louie Goemert -that's the winning ticket.

    Put a tourniquet on it and move on this. What more can I do to help Bloody Bill?
