
Friday, May 27, 2016

Professional Left Podcast #338

"Speech is civilization itself.”
-- Thomas Mann, writer



  1. And I fell for it. Shit. I'll probably be back tomorrow after I hear the podcast...

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. OK, LBJ. Molly Ivins said that if you set aside the Vietnam war, he clearly would have gone down in history as one of greatest presidents we've had, although she did note that he was a man who could not have passed any character test ever devised by the human imagination.

    And our cat likes to sleep in the bathroom sink also, but I haven't been able to get a picture of her to send to you yet, but when I manage it, you'll get it.
    I don't know whether we have HBO here, but when I find out, I'll figure a way to watch the movie, as the trailer seems more than awesome.

    -Doug in Oakland
