
Friday, May 27, 2016

Happy Birthday To My Pal Harlan Ellison

After 82 years, still stomping the Terra and making the moral order of the Universe his personal business.


  1. Great Saturday news!

    Thanks be to the gods.

  2. I Have A Mouth And I Must Scream - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

  3. The interviewer sounds suspiciously like a certain podcaster speaking into a phase shifter.

  4. As a young hippie female, I stumbled one evening upon the 1968 BayCon SF Convention, being held in a Fantasyland-Castle-ish hotel up in the hills on the border between Oakland and Berkeley. I knew from nothing about SF cons, which were much less of a thing back then anyway, tho I'd been reading SF since I was in grade school. I hadn't heard about BayCon, but I saw the lit-up hotel from the bottom of the street and just walked in, no ticket or anything. No one asked me for one, everything was very surreal and loose. I wandered into the main ballroom, and saw, among other things, Harlan accepting a Hugo for the script of the Star Trek episode "City on the Edge of Forever". I believe he got another Hugo too, but I don't remember for what.

    I'm glad you're a pal of his, DG. And that's a great description of him. I've always imagined him eating tacks for breakfast, just to get the day started right.
