
Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Remember Kids, Hippie Punching is *Always* In Season.

And you will always find your Never Trump "allies" leading the charge.

Also, that narrative "settled in" about 50 years ago, and Right, the legacy media, and the spineless Center have been dining out on it ever since.  

Burn The Lifeboats


  1. The losing campaign's side will always be assigning blame. In this one Harris ran a competent, policy forward, positive campaign while everyone with two brain cells knew Trump was a felon rapist that incited a riot, wants to suspend the constitution, ran on negative culture issues and denying project 2025 would be their blueprint despite surrounding himself with authors of it and was a chaos clown show the first 4 years none of which proved to be disqualifying to half our nation. So why did she lose? Because she didn't disassociate herself from Biden enough and was too trans friendly. Right.

  2. This Old Hippy punches back

  3. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Ah yes, the Democrats collapsed in Florida because they ran so far to the left. Which is why they ran former Republican Charlie Crist for every state wide office for a few years there.

  4. Jon Sitzman8:17 AM

    Despite plenty of liberal bloggers screaming from every perch they could find (heartbreakingly few), the US mass media completely ignored the enFoxification of American "news" and the replacement of relevant journalism with titter-titter water cooler gossip (not to mention outright lies rebranded as serious discussion). In doing so, it committed the United States to eventual dissolution.

    Take it from this exhausted American who remembers the 1970s and wonders what the hell happened.

    Thanks for all you do.

  5. I was born and raised in Miami, and we did have some solid Democrats (Lawton Chiles, Reuben Askew, and Bob Graham, who went to Miami High with my sister). What happened? Millions of old white retirees coming in for the weather and the lack of a state income tax. They do not care about the quality schools or the welfare of anyone else. Then there are the anti-communist Cubans.

    1. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Thank you for that factoid.
