
Saturday, December 21, 2024

“Everyone Has Their Reasons.” -- Jean Renoir.

While we are not exactly seeing the Twilight of the Self-Righteous, Liberal-Scolding Centrists, it is interesting to note that, having seen their "Fly more flags, chant 'USA!' louder, snuggle up with Liz Cheney harder" prescription for what ails the Dems come to nothing, some of the Riders of the High Horse are heading for the exits.

From CNN:

Veteran Fox News anchor and Trump target Neil Cavuto signs off after 3 decades at network

I had one encounter with Cavuto back in 2006 at the international Biotech Conference in Chicago.  He was one of the keynote speakers and was a nasty, vicious little piece of work.  

Couldn't read the room for shit.  

As I recall, he told the pharma execs in the room (big room, seated hundreds of us for dinner) that Liberals/Democrats were not just insufficiently appreciative of them, but that Liberals/Democrats were pissing in their hair and that they should withhold medication from Liberals/Democrats to teach us a lesson.

There was a little scattered applause, and a general sense of "Who the fuck invited this turd to our punchbowl?"  Cavuto apparently thought he was talking to room full of Fox News yahoos and not an international audience of venture capitalists looking to invest in stuff, tech firms looking for investors, and, generally, a crowd that was clearly confused by and hostile to the Bush administration's Conservative fundamentalist, anti-science, anti-stem cell agenda. 

From Axios:

David Axelrod ends "The Axe Files" podcast

I wanted this podcast to be one small antidote to the coarse nature of today's politics and social media culture that so often reduces people to negative caricatures and robs us of our common humanity," said Axelrod, a CNN senior political commentator, and founder of the University of Chicago Institute of Politics.

"I step away for now because I need to make more time for the next chapter of my own story — for my great and blessedly growing family, for friends and new adventures. But, trust me, I'll miss these conversations and I'll miss you.  And I'm sure we'll meet again... But even without the Axe Files, let us continue to be seekers of each other's stories and penetrate the godawful silos that drive us apart."

Sure, David.  That's the real problem.  It's the "silos".  Those terrible, terrible "silos".

From The Bulwark:

The Final Beg to Differ

Mona [Charen] and the gang [Damon Linker, William Galston, and Linda Chavez] bid farewell to this format, discuss what will replace it, and offer a glimpse of future plans.

Before they turned mother's picture to the wall and got outta town, the consensus opinion among these fossils was that:

  1. The Democratic Party needs a top-to-bottom gut rehab but,
  2. No one is really sure what that should be. Except, 
  3. It should involve Democrats getting a lot more "centristy"

Now they belong to the ages.

Matthew Dowd now apparently spends his days posting the birthdays and death days of various notable individuals on BlueSky.  I'm not kidding.  I'm also not sure if you can call this "quiet quitting" from a reputation rehab job at MSNBC that had devolved into a periodic drive-by slot in which he agrees with Nicole Wallace about whatever.  But now that Mr. Dowd is about to get an more massive dose of the "Disrupt the K'rupt Duopoly!" disruption which he so earnestly and aggressively worked for back in 2016, he seems to be looking to become part of the digital wallpaper.  At least until he and his feather-light "principles" can figure out which way and how hard the wind is blowing.

Bret "Bug" Stephens of The New York Times isn't quiet quitting.  Instead, being a thin-skinned, wrong-about-everything asshole and congenital coward, he is using his media real estate to loudly denounce his former Never Trumper brothers-in-arms.

Without ever having to suffer the slightest physical or professional inconvenient -- and certainly without being dragged down to Room 101 -- Stephens has reached the Orwellian “Do it to Julia! Not me!” stage of his conversion.   

Soon you will find him down in the NYT cafeteria, almost unconsciously tracing "2+2=5" with his finger in his butterscotch pudding.  Then it'll only be one more step until he tearfully realizes that everything is all right.  

His struggle is finished.  

He will have won the victory over himself. 

He will love Big Orange Brother.

As 2024 winds down and the country girds itself as best it can for a headlong tumble into the fascist abyss of a confederacy of dunces, it seems the Pod Save lads and the Bulwark lads are trying to form some sort of bro-lliance of privileged, white, out-of-power millennial MSNBC-adjacent coastal podcasters.   

So if, for some perverse reason, you happened to be in the market for a podcast where where a Pod Save lad and a Bulwark lad spend 10 minutes obsessing over the heath insurance CEO killing and warning us weak-minded Liberals that violence never resolves anything...

[Really? Never?]  

[Are we 100% sure about that?]

...followed by 15 minutes of slagging Joe Biden, boy howdy do have a podcast for you.

At the other end of the spectrum, one would never mistake Stephen's NYT colleague, Paul "The Shrill One" Krugman, for a bootless grifter or pissy Centrist scold.  But based on his output on SubStack, and reading between the lines of this farewell column in The New York Times, it seems clear that he had seen the future and it no longer involved trying to write while continuing to wear the Gray Lady's mildewed straightjacket.

The Chaos Monkeys Have Already Taken Over the Zoo 
The peddlers of misinformation are high on their own supply

Meanwhile, amid all the flux and uncertainty...

I Am The Liberal Media

1 comment:

  1. bruce.desertrat4:42 PM

    Krgthulhu has been pretty open in his new substack joint about how he's found it freeing to be ever so much more shrill with his opinions-backed-up-with-facts-and-FRED-charts stuff. Instantly became a must-rear
