
Monday, December 30, 2024

Elmo Calls for the Dissolution of the Republican Party

This quote is from me in 2005, just a nobody Liberal blogger out here in the middle of Middle America speaking the plain truth about what was obviously going on inside the GOP:

Run the racists off the ranch, and who would stuff all the envelopes and staff the phone banks? Write all those lovely checks and boom down from the pulpit at the chittering inbreeders, that if they vote for a Democrat, they’ll burn in Hell with the Fags and the Feminazis?

Face it, without the Segregationists, the Dominionists, the Neocon Imperialists and the rest of nutjobs that pack the extreme Right Wing of Bedlam, the GOP could no more win an election than Michael Jackson could lose a celebrity trial.

For all of their posturing, every day they become more and more nothing but the Party Of Jefferson Davis…in bad drag.

Me in 2006:

So as the Party of Lincoln has morphed into the Party of Jefferson Davis, the Battle of Selma is now being stage-managed by the fusspot ghost of George Brinton McClellan.

Me again in 2006:

No, BoBo [David Brooks]. It is YOU who don’t have the numbers to govern. You are riding shotgun in Jerry Falwell’s Clown Car, not the other way around. You are the one who has made a career of telling people not to mind the madmen in the basement of the GOP, as they ripped the walls out, burned the deeds and carefully mutated the Party of Lincoln into the party of Jefferson Davis.

Right before your very eyes, and you did...nothing. Worse than nothing; you told people to ignore the lump in the flesh of their Party. That it was harmless.

Just a cyst. Just the fringe.

While the carcinoma spread, people like you didn’t sound the alarm; instead you smashed the alarm to flinders and then hid the evidence in your pillowcase.

You-know-who, again, in 2006:

The Klan was and is a domestic terrorist organization run by murderous cowards and sociopaths, a bulwark of Dixie Conservativism and the indispensable lynchpin of the Republican's despicable Southern Strategy.

The Klan is, in a very real sense, the main reason why there even is a Republican Party that looks and acts and governs the way it does today.

Why it has mutated and degenerated from the Party of Lincoln to the Party of Jefferson Davis.

That same guy in 2008:

In the end, the Dixiecrats became Republicans, and, in the process, destroyed the Party of Lincoln, hollowed out its corpse, and turned it into the Party of Jefferson Davis.

So, what's the point in playing the oldies?

Well, this week Elmo -- possibly tweaked to the gills and knowing fuck-all about American politics other than how much it costs to buy a presidency --   decided to have Big Opinions about the issue of bigots in the GOP.  

Racists will be downfall of the party?  Really?

Flush out your headgear, new guy.  They are the fucking Republican party

And now the MAGA chumps who Musk saddled up and used to ride Trump back to the White House are sloooowly learning what it must be like to be one of Elmo's human brood mares:  once you've given him what he wants, he has little use for you.   

You're furniture.  

And if you raise your voice to him, out you must go.  

Burn The Lifeboats


  1. Anonymous10:37 AM

    I’m always impressed you have the words for the way so many of us feel.

  2. Not sure who put Elmo in charge of everything. Sure he bought Trump and MAGA supported Trump. Elmo failed to enforce Apartheid in S, Africa and when it fell and his family lost their superior race Tiara. They fled like Assad to the UDA and now the blood sucker Lyme disease Elmo tick has latched on to Trump and sucking his life blood. He sees Americans and yearns to gorge himself on every American he can.
    Our secret weapon. Turkeys. Yes Turkeys who eat thousands of Ticks daily. Big part of their daily diet it seems.
    What is disturbing on the republican Totem pole of importance of representation.
    GOP ads another level of representing importance at the top while I remain at the bottom of that totem pole where the dog lifts his leg and the representation never reaches

    When the Elmo falls from Grace. When the Ketamine turns on his sanity. And it will. all his money will not be able to buy him a prayers from Pat Robertson to get God to restore him to the sad image of a man he is.

  3. OMG! There are racists in the Republican Party! Someone call the... whom, exactly? Who is it that doesn't know that the goddamn Republican party, as it exists in this year of our lord 2024, is the party of racists? Elmo, apparently.
    Which makes him a perfectly matching dumbfuck to Fergus, who at least understands that his bread is buttered by racism and imbecility enough to forego telling it to go away.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  4. I'm gonna call for the dissolution of Aggregate IQ, the Make America Number 1 super PAC and the acquisition of the Cambridge Analytica data. In other words, the stuff created or funded by Bannon, Parscale, the Mercer fam, Lewandoski, Erik Prince and the DeVos family among others that's still data-mining to bring Big Brother survellance to its pinnacle, providing info about the size of our dicks and nipples.

    The kind of stuff Musk can only dream about.

    (And no, this is not the fantasy of a paranoiac.)

  5. Anonymous3:22 PM

    "You are riding shotgun in Jerry Falwell’s Clown Car, not the other way around."

    Bannon and a hip pocket of Evola vs. Musk and "let that sink in"?

    Bannon will make toilet wine in that sink and call it Muskatel.

    Not even a contest.

  6. "You are riding shotgun in Jerry Falwell’s Clown Car, not the other way around."

    Bannon and a hip pocket of Evola vs. Musk and "let that sink in"?

    Bannon will make toilet wine in that sink and call it Muskatel.

    Not even a contest.

  7. All I know is that Trump is going to build a wall (alligator-filled moat optional) to take control of the border and that the white man is FINALLY going to get a fair shake in America! God Bless President Musk!
