
Friday, December 27, 2024

Eight Years Later

Credulous Liberals, 2016:  "We'll tolerate our new Never Trumper allies until Trump is defeated because the enemy of my enemy is my friend.  But once Trump is gone, we'll remind them firmly that this is OUR party and our policies and priorities will take precedent."

Never Trumpers, 2024:  "If our 'pro-democracy alliance'  ever wants to win another election, we'll have to jettison a lot of those icky progressive policies and priorities. And now that Liberal voices have been virtually shut out of the conversation and we occupy commanding positions across the major media platforms, we can finally finish the job of making the Democratic party a happy home for Liz Cheney."

I Am The Liberal Media

1 comment:

  1. I would like to point out that these so called "Never Trumpers", were full blown MAGA cultists from 2016 to 2920.
    His Russia collusion ? His extortion of Ukraine? His pandemic failings and misdirection's. to mention a few.

    These Never Trumpers voted for the MAGA cultist republican candidate's for congress to provide a MAGA majority in both House and sente.

    So they are never trump but they are also always Rump MAGA cultists?
    Most of all, a Never Trumper is going to have to define his political ideology because they say they are not stinking Liberals and rather be Russian.

    All their GOP/ republican conservative ideology has all been fomented into one big orange corrupt self centered ego0testical
    Non FOX version of Sean Hannity.

    So define what it means to be a Never Trumper. When Never Trumpers register to vote, what affiliate do they identify with?

    I know they continue to get their information from FOX, Snoozemax and all the right wing places on the dark X..
    Have they become Never KKK? Never NAZI? Don't see evidence of it.
    Perhaps David Brooks one day could tackle ( or tickle( these questions and offer his singularly specific opinion in one of his columns that no one reads.
