
Thursday, August 22, 2024

Professional Left Podcast Episode 831: Carousel of Past Dem Presidents At The DNC Remember!

"Study the past, if you would divine the future." -- Confucius.


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1 comment:

  1. Perhaps Michelle Obama was taken slightly out of context: When they go low, we go high and nuke them from orbit...
    I am not surprised that the Democrats get all of the production expertise, because we have all of those people, who are all individually excellent at all of those jobs.
    The "content creators" who got to do their thing from the convention have been kicking holy ass all week, and the content they created will be around for use in the rest of the campaign.
    Didn't they used to pay "consultants" a shitload of money to make that stuff?
    I really hope that this all works, and just for the moment I don't feel like an idiot for having that hope. So I really hope it all works.
    I will feel almost as good about the New York fucking Times getting a stiff buggering as I will about kicking Fergus to the curb again. We all have our part to play, and one can only do so much, but the NYFT will never get another penny from me.
    I didn't watch all of the speeches, so I am going back and watching the ones I missed, and now I think I will watch Bill Clinton's speech, since you recommended it.
    Thank you again for the podcast. The cat brought a gopher in through the window in the middle of the night and let it go. He had been doing so well for a while, but you can't win them all...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine
