
Friday, August 30, 2024

Because Bret Bug Only Has Democrats' Best Interests at Heart

Burn The Lifeboats


  1. What I thought was especially funny was, at least in the NYT app, *right* above Bret's column headline was Michelle Cottle's "Kamala Harris's TV Interview Was a Solid First Effort". Of course Michelle's column didn't deserve a nice picture.

    Sometimes I just hate the NYT.

  2. in backgammon when you see you've lost you need get as many pieces off the board so you lose less expensively...that seems to be the NYT's the end game.

    the relevancy of a 'paper of record' these days is pretty much over as information is 'trumped' by attention. when cronkite said 'that's the way it is..' we all kind of agreed at least in part.. now the NYT seems to say only 'click..we gotcha, and that's the way we are..' the media is NOT the message, it's the story.

  3. Jon Sitzman2:00 PM

    A vapid, simpery, consistently dishonest conservative opinion columnist does nothing to help the New York Times' credibility.

    To be fair, that criticism hits a fair few targets aside from Stephens. But he's definitely high on the list.

    Thanks for all you do. Great cast today.

  4. Think the interviewers inquiries were a bit lame. These TV personalities of the "NEWS arena are a bit out of touch with Americans and what they would like to see questioned.
    VP and Candidate Harris handled herself well with what was confronted . The media and interviewing host is the one that I perceive as not up to it and not qualified to ask questions as if they are the authority of normal and statesmanship.
    When the interviewer raises a question of candidates opponents slanders they know damn well are false claims and would never fervently confront that lying opponent, but presents those lame notions to Harris because they can and not for any other value to those tuning in ;pling for insight to decide how to vote.
    There was a day where News was a not for profit essential. Changing that law to make NRWS part of entertainment also made it a fraudulent Truth and fact avoider.

  5. Next, CNN asks why lamellula calls him weird when it is VP Harris tat doesn't pour Ketchup on her burnt stack like Trump does?

    Reminds me when Senator Ben Sasse got to Question SCOTUS nominee Gorsuch before confirming . Senator Sasse had several minutes as a senator to ask deep piercing questions live on TV of Gorsuch/
    Senator Saasse hanging up his phone call with his wife says excuse me. Judge Gorsuch. There is a question I need to ask which me and the wife were just discussing. That question is, how do you do it? I mean, In this hearing for hours being question without having to relieve yourself going to the latrine?
    My wife was very concerned about it and I agree?
    This is what a GOP Senator asks when he is one of few that get to ask questions of Judge Gorsuch in a confirmation hearing.

    So you see, these goofy questions have lived and thrived in the GOP for many years.
    This is what a republican senator who sits on the judiciary committee and is allowed to time to ask
