“Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain. ” -- Lily Tomlin
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ReplyDeleteThat was a fun filled round up of the news.....!
It would do society a benefit if the Appeals Court would stop dragging out Sloppy Steve's subpoena defiance appeal and rule him into custody to serve his term. I know I would feel better. Not for myself mind you. For the rule of law and reassurance karma is real.
I have a 3 point wish result to get America securely on path with sure mountain goat footing.
1) Democrats retake the House of Reps in '24.
2) Dems retain the senate majority in '24. Making The Grim Reaper out of power for his final term. Burning time of the lives of GOP senators like Lying Ted, Running Hawley, Little Marco, The embalmer Rick Scott and the Crypt keeper Ro Johnson. Sentencing them to another term of minority baboonery.
3) Hoe Biden reelected. This should cause the Fascist snake to wither and wrinkle prudishly as he spends the rest of his feeble life in self misery trying to convince any who will listen that he is president, God chose him and something about his superior Genes. If he is able to recall it from the dementia stricken raisin in his skull.
Losing the '24 election for Trump and it is over for him. There will be no Trump 2028 presidential run.
4) With these three election events. Will not only humiliate MAGA/QANON / TEA Party or whatever they call themselves at the moment. Their head cockroach of the Cult gone. They will wander in the wilderness only popping their head up once in a while to se if FOX can lie them into a different antsy. But even FOX will loses viewers if these things occur.
This is my prediction of the outcome if my wishes came reality.
There are other promising benefits that will be revealed
if those first 3 things come to pass. Perhaps even Speaker Johnson gets an exorcism to rid his body and mind from those free radicals and able to find real spiritual peace to reset his aimless path in life.
I don't know that the media's job is doable. Yes, they are doing a terrible job anyway, but the goddamn Republicans are so far gone up their own fascist assholes that people confronted with their actual plans have repeatedly rejected them as being too clownishly evil. This has been documented over and over and over a long enough timespan that the actual policies weren't even "let's just take over the government and use it to fuck up everyone we don't like" as they are right now.
ReplyDeleteI believe the first policy the focus groups refused to believe was the reaction to 9-11 with a corporate tax cut.
As a realist, it is always bracing to win an election on issues you know are actually popular. I think "the media" is mostly afraid of the logical next step, which admittedly isn't good for them,
In every presidential election since 1980, the proportion of eligible female adults who voted has exceeded the proportion of eligible male adults who voted.
In 2020, according to the Center for American Women and Politics, 3.4% more of the eligible female voters actually reported voting than the eligible males.
So the fall of Roe may have actually shot the goddamn Republicans in more than just their foot.
Apparently the citizens of my state are not nearly as enthusiastic about their governor as you are about yours. The fact that he is a reptile who once fucked Kimberly Guilfoyle might be a part of it, but I think the real issue is that he is just mostly out of state campaigning for his next promotion when there is plenty of work to be done right here in California. Pritzker and Beshear both understand this, and he could really learn some valuable shit from them, especially if he intends to seek higher office.
Thank you again for the podcast. Briana just hit the road for another cross-state trip to secure our future home, so it's just me and the cat holding down the fort again.
-Doug in Sugar Pine