
Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Professional Left Podcast Episode #755: No Fair Remembering The End of The World

“Anyway, if you stop tellin' people it's all sorted out afer they're dead, they might try sorting it all out while they're alive. ”  --  Terry Pratchett, Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch



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  1. So it is, the Trump children shall inherit the presidency from Daddy after he stole the election with the help of Hugo Chavez's ghost in the voting machines.

    As it was foretold by Adam when he tamed the First T-Rex to ride as transportation until God would eventually create the Hoarse.
    For the prophecy was handed down from the FOX Catholic one from rebrand to rebranded generations.
    The end of time arrives when the Rat rides tall in the saddle at the Republicans parade.

    It is why the meddle East is and will be so very unstable.

    Religions hating on other religions for not becoming and obeying their religion. For it does not justify ones beliefs if others do not convert.

    What happened to bellying in the manner of religion and living your life by it if it suits you and rejoice that others have the same feeling of their beliefs they live by and show example of why they are of that religion.

    Toady, Two churches , one block apart serving different flocks. Different tenets. Preaching only people that beliefs and worship here as we do will go to heaven. Everyone else goes to hell.
    While one block away at the other church, they say the same thing.

    Saving souls and helping someone in need on their way?
    Puts no money on the donation plate.

    Could be right about the GOP rebranding.

    From Young Gins, TWEA party, NAZI, MAGA, Pro Lifers (unborn only club) QANON.

    Putin-ista's Christian Jihadists?

    What will the Billionaire donors that do not want to pay taxes and want all of our tax dollars willing to invest in to promote ?

  2. marshwren12:26 PM

    One theological quibble: The Original Sin isn't about sex or violence; it's about the attainment of the knowledge of good and evil, or what can be called self-awareness. Genesis 2:17 is most emphatic on this point. And it does rather explain Christianity's 1,700 years of anti-intellectualism.

    But then, I've been saying for decades that Christianity is an ideology based on two works of literature: An Old Testament, being a collection of pointless stories about God before He got religion; and a New Testament, being more pointless stories about the Almighty after He got right with Jesus.
