
Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Jesse Helms: Still Dead, But Look Around You...

...because his legacy is everywhere.

Hated gays? Check.

Hated minorities?  Check.

Hated affirmative action?  Check.

Hated women?  Check.

Loved prayer in school?  Check.

Loved that schweet, schweet tobacco money?  Check.

Loved that Confederate flag?  Check.

From 40 years ago this June, here is Ronald Reagan heaping praise on the degenerate old bigot for, among other things, saving his campaign from complete disaster in 1976, and helping him win in 1980.

And from 30 years ago this week, this L.A. Times article dated,  August 6, 1993.  

Helms Sings a Song of ‘Dixie’; Moseley-Braun Looks Away

The way Sen. Carol Moseley-Braun relates the story, Sen. Jesse Helms entered the Senate elevator, saw her, and began singing, “I wish I was in the land of cotton. . . . “

Helms, a Republican from North Carolina, recalled his brief encounter with the Senate’s only black member differently and described it as “a good-natured exchange,” an aide said.

Moseley-Braun, a Democrat from Illinois, told the story at the National Urban League annual dinner Wednesday night, about two weeks after another tangle with Helms in which she defeated his move to renew a patent on the Confederate flag insignia.

The incident happened Tuesday, she said. When Helms stepped into the elevator, “he saw me standing there, and he started to sing, ‘I wish I was in the land of cotton . . . ‘ And he looked at Sen. Hatch and said, ‘I’m going to make her cry. I’m going to sing ‘Dixie’ until she cries.’

See, now I'm all confused?  Because wasn't this during the Before Time when the GOP definitely wasn't racist and everybody was all cozy and bipartisan and shit?

I Am The Liberal Media


  1. Exactly like when Americans gave the job of the presidency to Obama instead of the entitled Mitt Romney.

    Just like Jesse Helms said. That is why the entire GOP ironed their white sheets and extra starched those pointed hoods. So they could do every thing they could to obstruct and poison pill and make Obama a one term president.

    To show us all, Obama wasn't qualified but, but the white dude was. Now Romney will forever be known as the white dude who lost his job to a minority because of Americans voted for a racial quota. Oh, Besides being the best candidate.

    Then again, Helms and DeSantis are for racial quotas when it comes to slavery and learning skills like shoeing horses.
    But who ever heard of a white man being called a Blacksmith?

  2. Jesse @#$%^&* Helms!!! The name alone causes me to gasp in extreme disgust. If someone were to ask me who the worst American politician of ALL TIME was that pathetic bastards name would be FIRST on the list! I can't even begin to itemize the despicable evil that SOB was capable of. Single-handedly kept the tobacco industry afloat and fully subsidized for many years via his position as the powerful head of the Agricultural Department. That bloviating hypocrite declared that he would be fine with capitol punishment for pot dealers, conveniently ignoring the fact that tobacco has killed hundreds of millions of people world wide over many decades! His was a very stunted conservative mind, not at all an intellectual, far from it, he used to ridicule anyone who attended "those liberal institutions that have no right to exist!", otherwise known as schools of higher learning, or college to those, like myself, that attended. I could go on for hours on what he did to screw up the works, but the absolute worst would be his part in getting Rupert #$%^&* Murdoch to gain a foot hold in America!!! He, Kenneth Starr and
    Murdoch had the infamous meeting where they felt that this country needed a conservative viewpoint to reflect what the majority of Americans believed. I think we all know how THAT ends!
