
Friday, February 12, 2021

Looks Like The Lincoln Project Fucked Around and Found Out: UPDATE

From the Daily Beast:

Lincoln Project Sinks Deeper Into Turmoil as Ex-Staffers Demand to Speak Freely

Several former employees went public to say they “do not feel safe” engaging privately with the group's leadership.

Longer post later, but variations of this story are all over social media, along with Tweets from various bylined writers whose names you will recognize, patting themselves on the back for "skeptical" thoughts they had about the Lincoln Lads five minutes ago.

Cool story bro!

Any longer post from me will, of course, be sans any of the many, many, many Tweets I have posted over the years warning that maybe it was not the wisest choice for Liberals to pin their hopes on a barrel of testosterone-poisoned, recently former Republican mercenaries and assholes...because I've been permanently banned from Twitter for absolutely no good reason.

So until I find a few minutes to cobble together something about the Lincoln Lads' recent run ins with karma and the law, enjoy this from this last summer, when such thoughts were absolute heresy:

OMG Why Can't Dems Go After Republicans Crazy-Hard Like The Lincoln Project?

I have heard this lament all over the interwebs for months now. The Lincoln Lads make a scathing ad, kick it up to Facebook or Twitter and it is immediately picked up, lauded and amplified 1000 times by the lords and ladies of the Beltway media.

So why can't the hapless Dems do that? Why have the hapless Dems been fighting according to Hoyle all this time while Republicans always go to the brass knuckles and switchblades?

Fair question.

But first, a bit of history...

More here

The Lincoln Project will soon to be known as the "Young, low level volunteer named Lincoln something-or-other...more of a coffee boy really" Project --

-- by all the "affiliates" who are now drifting towards the exits.  

I predict you will be amazed by all the Lincoln Project former-Republican "affiliates" who weaseled out of any responsibility for the shitpile of bigots and imbeciles their Republican Party had become during all the years they were active party members and mouthpieces by swearing they had never had idea what was really going on with the GOP  (and how dare you bring up the past)...

...who will now be swearing that they never had idea what was really going on with the Lincoln Lads during all the time they were active LP members and spokespersons.

UPDATE:  The enemies of my enemy ... are scattering like rats.

From Axios

Scoop: Lincoln Project co-founder resigns

Lincoln Project co-founder Steve Schmidt is resigning from the group's board amid a series of scandals that has rocked the high-dollar anti-Trump super PAC, Axios has learned.

Lincoln Project spokesperson Kurt Bardella confirmed to Axios that he also resigned from the group Friday.

Nayyera Haq, who signed on to host a video series for the group this week, also resigned on Friday.

Columnist Tom Nichols said on Friday he was "stepping down as an unpaid advisor."

The line to kiss my disreputable, alarmist Liberal ass forms on the left.

No Half Measures


  1. I prefer the term Lincoln Logs, because it infers they are pieces of shit. And when you say "liberals" embraced them, what did you mean? Not us. Not your readers. Media shitheads, who are Clinton "liberals" embraced them.

  2. That article was something else. Guess what? LP staff work for the daily beast too. LP staff had to sign NDAs. One of the leaders is a constant sexual harasser. The whole organization is awash in corrupt cash.

    Hmm, what other organization can we think of that is led by a serial sexual harasser, is corrupt as all get up, requires constant NDAs, and engages in media capture?

  3. "Huh. Would you look at that. Them there Republicans are soulless ghouls and grifters, just like all them hippies and liberal socialist commies said they wuz. Whoda thunk THOSE PEOPLE would ever be right about anything, Well, I guess the sun even shines on a dog's ass every once in while, hey? So how bout them Bucs?"
    90% of conservatives who are able to articulate anything other than "RAAA! SMASH!! KILL!!!"

  4. And look whose jumping on board the shit parade float.


  6. You've gone from the traditional Prophet-who-is-hated-in-his-own-time to the dude who, once again, was-right-from-the-get-go. After these past few years, the whiplash must be unnerving. That said, I suspect you will, once again, not be admitted to, "The Club." Such are the rewards for speaking truth to power. Your victory dance, however little consolation, is well-earned. Best.
