
Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Mr. David Brooks Is Sure Of One Thing

That if only Donald Trump were morally, intellectually and psychologically the complete inverse of who he actually is in every way...

And if the Republican Party were an entirely different political party and not the shitpile of con men and racists and demagogues that it actually is...

...then by Jiminy we could maybe get some going on solving this opioid crisis that David Brooks has heard so much about!
Let’s Go for a Win on Opioids

If we lived in a normal country our president would use the current moment to try to get a win...

If we lived in a normal country the Trump White House would launch a major initiative to combat opiate addiction...
If we lived in a normal country, Mr. David Brooks would be upselling working at Taco Bell trying to upsell Big Beefy Cruncheesy Chaluparito Supremes to midnight stoners.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


  1. LOL! Awesome, drifty. Thanks for providing a laugh today. 😀

  2. Maybe he meant, "Let's Go for a Spin on Opioids".

  3. Opioids are a big, high visibility problem now that whites are the main victims. The brave RW is on it now. Bobo might look to Big Pharma as a starting place.

  4. "If we lived in a normal country, Mr. David Brooks would be upselling working at Taco Bell trying to upsell Big Beefy Cruncheesy Chaluparito Supremes to midnight stoners.".

    And a respectable endeavor it would be for the mild sauce man of the people.

    He may have a problem with his resume. T Bell expects actual labor for it's employees.
    Unless of course he is hired as a conservative counselor for customers in need of both sides of a menu.

  5. I have good friends who have done prison time for drugs, so when I think of those marketing execs at Purdue Pharma I want to scream and throw things.

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. DFB needs to have his own Movantik moment with is doctor to see tht he didn;t need to hold it in.
    Opioid problem solved......

    Now big Pharma needs a pill to loosen up that both sides constipation DFB has been holding in.

  7. Maybe Mr. David could get hooked on opioids and write about it, just a thought

  8. Throw 'em all in jail! That's how you handled the crack crisis. Asshole!

  9. What will abate opioid abuse?

    !: A society that does not inspire the desire for lots of yummy opioids to try to escape it.

    Note that "Deep State" ops on both sides of the Cold War were conducted for a long time from Warsaw to L.A. to maximize opiate trafficking - both foreign & domestic - as both an easy source of dark money & crude but reliable social engineering. Pretty hard to fight the power if you're on the nod or jonesing for a fix. The corollary is that any time opiate abuse is "trendy" is likely to be a time when the top of the societal food-chain is (or believes itself to be) in serious peril.

  10. DFB declares the War on Opiods. Just say no.

  11. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Hey hillbillies, I have an elegy for ya--move to where the jobs are. Go green and get smart. FFS. Your man is the embodiment of 'power & greed & corruptible seed'!
    Too bad, so sad...oh, and we have rehabs in the cities. jobs too. Fuckin' Derps.

  12. DFB and the new Opioid Tsar (Chritie) will enjoy their Movantic moments together.
    As we regulate and crack down on Opioid use (not providers). Coal companies can finally spew their excess poisons into our rivers without living in fear. Fear of paying a fine that comes out of their profits.

  13. I'm right there with you David, only if we descend on the "economically anxious white working class" the same way conservatives demanded we descend on urban America during the crack epidemic.....the voters lapped up screams of Law and Order, let's give it to them.
