
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast

Noted neocon hobgoblin and wrong-about-every-single-fucking-thing guy, Bill Kristol, spends another hour ruminating with noted drapetomania expert and 18th century phrenologist, Charles Murray, about what in the heck has gone wrong with Murrica.

As my late friend John used to say, oh the things you see when you don't have access to an orbital nuclear weapons platform.


  1. 1:10:55.
    I'm not going to click it. You can't make me click it. I've had a reasonably good day shopping for a new truck and my mother-in-law has calmed down, so let's not spoil it with this.
    Nothing personal - trying to keep the ghouls and bigots to a minimum.

  2. No. Me neither. I don't wanna. You can't make me!

  3. I looked up "drapetomania". Wow, look at the time! I guess we'll have to leave it there everyone.

  4. Something tells me that clicking on that videoclip is akin to opening up the Ark of the Covenant.

  5. shit! How do I get a gig like that?

  6. Two jackoffs masturbating in stereo.
    One small point, Murray uses Fishtown, a neighborhood in Philadelphia to support his weak fantasy of white working class. I moved into Fishtown Jan 1985. It was wholly gentrified by the time I got there, gays, artists, yuppie scum, it's roots as a working class neighborhood were long gone. So the timeline and the "facts" of his anecdotal evidence were a complete lie. There were and are still neighborhoods that are white working class (Port Richmond, etc...) but they are healthy, vibrant and nothing like this miscreant describes. Fuck you Murray, and fuck your bald faced lie about Asian sweatshops being good jobs.

  7. I knew about the "mental disease" that caused slaves to run away, but I didn't know the name. Thanks. As for the clip, no thanks; I despise Murray even more than Kristol.
