
Monday, September 26, 2016

#DebateNight: We're Are, By God, Gonna Have This Fucking Narrative People!

In other words, batshit glue-sniffing chimp nearly random-types a single coherent sentence.

Media swoons.

One more reason why Liberals are never, ever allowed within "Are you fucking kidding me!" distance of the lords and ladies of the Beltway.


  1. We're long past the point of wondering why the president of the American Enterprise Institute has a columnist gig with the NYT, aren't we.

  2. I don't really look for competence in a presidential candidate. I ask myself, "Who would I rather have a beer with?"

  3. "Stacey, I thought when The Republican Overlord-God-King of 2024 lubed up our assholes he was being VERY considerate!"

    "That's right Don! Ow--errggg--uffff--sorry, just letting the Overlord have his way with me...but I was VERY disappointed in the inconsideration his current feeble opponent showed to his masculinity. She dared to stand up to the OVERLORD?"

    "Ngggg--hmphhhfff-that's right Stacey. What a shocker-WOWEEE!!--that was when she disgracefully contradicted him to his face about his multiple lies over 50 years!! It betrays all we stand for!"

    "I agree Don!! Hngggg---It seems---ngggg---once again----hmmmmmffggg---that Democrats have no sense of decorum or respect that should come with the God-King-President!! OHhhhhhh TRUMPIPOOOO!!!"

  4. Yes bc it's clear that the last thing most conservative voters want for POTUS is someone who is - gasp! shriek! - smart & prepared. Sadly, not snark.

    This is the return of the Gore v Bush gambit. Who'd ya wanna beer with? Crooked smug (I read that a lot) Hillary Smartypants? Or out of control nasty Don the Con who's proud that he doesn't pay taxes??

    Just pathetic. But boringly predictable.

  5. seriously. Only a career politician would be all "prepared" for a debate when running for the presidency. What a loser!

    We want someone who is woefully UNprepared, crude, thin-skinned, ignorant of the important issues and, if we're lucky, devolves into a blithering idiot in a 90 minute debate.

    Because CHANGE!

  6. I watched approx. the first hour of the debate, attempting to see it through the eyes of someone with no political opinion, like an 'undecided' watching this thing. First of all, I couldn't make it through the whole debate, because it was unbearable. That's a win for Trump, in the sense of 'what a fuckin joke this whole circus is, I would rather do anything else than watch this shit-show.' Ed over at Gin and Tacos has a post from last night expanding on this impression. Second, to go with the boxing match metaphor, I thought Trump got the better of the exchanges. Clinton landed some solid punches, especially on Trump's taxes and on his proposed yet-another tax break for the wealthy. But Trump gave as good as he got, and caught Clinton flat-footed, regarding trade, NAFTA, and the TPP. No, Trump's 'plan' does not add up, but that's what people who follow politics understand. He offered up enough factual statements (although attributing these problems to the wrong causes) that Clinton wasn't able to easily rebut them. For an 'undecided' who does not pay attention to politics besides every four years, Trump easily could have given the better impression.

    Fortunately, only us political nerds watch debates. And practically every news tidbit I've seen about the debate says that Clinton won the thing. So hopefully I'm wrong.

  7. I wish I knew where Chuck Todd ate breakfast.

    The greatest terror of the idiot bothsider must be running into somebody with real critical chops. First you'd have to slice open the self-regard, but, I assume if you could handcuff 'em, it would be possible to gently explain to him or her--Andrea Mitchell!!!--why their nihilism is especially unhelpful.

  8. I think you're being unfair, Lit3Bolt. The media are actually starting to do their jobs, now that the Hotel Trumpifornia press conference has triggered their long-suppressed gag reflexes and making them realize he didn't even have the God damn decency to give them a reach-around.

  9. @KyleSparks: I think Arthur Brooks's main responsibility at NYT is those email pretend chats with Gail Collins that David Brooks used to do, and when DFB refused to do it without overtime pay (that's 20 fucking extra minutes a week!), Collins picked Arthur so she wouldn't have to learn two new names.

  10. Yeah, the NYT saved a ton on letterhead by just swapping out Brookses. Also the last "Conversation" DFB had with Gail Collins is something he never, ever wants to be reminded of.

  11. I would jump over a whole gang of Arthurs and Davids to get to a Mel...

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. over-prepared---something said about chuck todd by no one ever.

  13. Shorter (?) Battleship-Grey Lady: "Play the NYT 'Spin The Republic' home-game! See how many of our polysyllabic excreta you can endure until Gail Collins finally says in lucid English that Trump lost. You play it just like a drinking game, but with crystal meth!"

    Shorter Tuck Choad: "Clinton failed to SEEM to hit my razor-thin line between Pol In Teh Zone & ADHD-Afflicted Wonk, which is exactly as bad as her opponent being a living Dunning-Kruger Affect Workshop - because I am now obviously much too damaged from my oh-so-many years of whoring my soul away for 30 pieces of silver to even dimly remember what human reality is any more."

  14. What the nsfw does "over prepared" mean? She's a girl who is so smart she's making the boy look bad?

  15. The last Conversation between Brooks and Collins, Guy Fawkes Day 2014, where he said apropos of the midterm elections:

    The big Republican accomplishment is that they have detoxified their brand. Four years ago they seemed scary and extreme to a lot of people. They no longer seem that way. The wins in purple states like North Carolina, Iowa and Colorado are clear indications that the party can at least gain a hearing among swing voters. And if the G.O.P. presents a reasonable candidate (and this year’s crop was very good), then Republicans can win anywhere. I think we’ve left the Sarah Palin phase and entered the Tom Cotton phase.

    No Davy, they don't seem scary and extreme at all any more, at least not if you're on the right meds.

  16. Sure, Trump is a fucking lunatic, but gosh dang y'all! Hillary Clinton is just outright over-prepared for the most powerful and important political position on the planet.

    #BothSidesDoIt™ today, #BothSidesDoIt™ tomorrow, #BothSidesDoIt™ forever.
