
Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Paul Ryan Cannot Self-Terminate

Hillary must lower him into the steel.


  1. Ryan pleading with Priebus: "Listen, and understand. The Trumpinator is out there. His ego can’t be bargained with. His narcissism can’t be reasoned with. He doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or compassion. And he absolutely will not stop, ever, until the GOP is dead."

    Well, OK, a few hundred million dollars thrown his way (sweetheart TV deals, joint business ventures with Koch/Adelson/etc) would buy him out in a second. But I don't think that will happen.

  2. The important thing is to pretend
    If we pretend, and whistle a happy tune, everything will be all right and we can go back to pushing that "conservatism can never fail, it can only be failed" business as though it were an actual political philosophy and not a cult belief.
    Repeat after me, "Donald Trump is not a true conservative, the Easter Bunny is real, and conservatism can never fail". LOUDER!

  3. "Listen, and understand. The Trumpinator is out there. His ego can’t be bargained with. His narcissism can’t be reasoned with. He doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or compassion."

    You know, the really scary thing is that he is supported by tens of millions of people who are exactly the same.

  4. Good morning, Mr. Glass.

    Something you missed because you don't do Facebook:

    Be seeing you.

  5. Hey, there's a moderate chance Ryan may be terminated on August 9th by a Teabagger. It's an open primary, so plenty of opportunity for some good 'ole Democratic ratfuckery.

  6. Don P: Yeah, I live in Ryan's district (WI-CD-1)and gave some serious thought to voting against him in the primary (or, specifically, FOR the Tea Party douchebag who is running the the right of him).

    However, there are two decent guys running in the Dem Congressional primary and I feel compelled to cast my vote there (even though they will have little chance against Ryan in the general election). Plus, one of the Dem primary candidates is originally from Central Wisconsin (like me) and I dated his younger sister 40 years ago in high school. Not making that up. As they say, all politics is local. Sometimes personal/coincidental as well.
