
Saturday, August 06, 2016

Abandoning a Half-Written David Brooks Post which I use this brand-new graphic as an on-ramp into a discussion of Mr. Brooks' Friday column in which he actually said --
Trump’s Enablers Will Finally Have to Take a Stand

There comes a time when neutrality and laying low become dishonorable. If you’re not in revolt, you’re in cahoots. When this period and your name are mentioned, decades hence, your grandkids will look away in shame.
-- among other things.

Maybe I'll take it up later, but right now picking up words and putting them on paper feels like hauling granite tombstones through a desert.


While pulling 3 gees.

I almost never give up halfway through a writing project of any kind, but having kicked this around in my head for a day and a half, for the moment, the depth of denial which would permit Mr. Brooks -- the undisputed king of Conservative cowardice, radical revisionism and false equivalence -- to publish a column in which he takes other people to task for their dishonorable "neutrality and laying low." is leaving me speechless.

For the moment I am also unable to come to terms with the staggering level of systemic media corruption which must needs exist to allow such creatures as David Brooks to continue flourish.


  1. The Olympics are on, I didn't know that lack of self-awareness was an event.
    We have a medalist, winning this honor by posting his personal best effort.
    He stands on the podium with his back to the flag, unaware and unafraid.

  2. Once you realize that Brooks is like Bob Costas...he's not there to inform, but to aid digestion and encourage bowel movements...things fall into place.

    Because someone noted that if journalists told the truth, it had an impact on sales of Buicks and Gain Laundry Detergent.

    And that means less ad buys.

    Pablum it is, then.

  3. Reminds me a little of the time Princess Sparkle Pony couldn't make it through a Richard Cohen column, because of the worst sentence ever published. Here it is, complete with a comment from Blue Gal:

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. "You're either in revolt or in cahoots."
    Sounds like "You're either with us or against us".
    So Brooksie, are you, in fact, revolting?

  5. Just as Trump receives a Purple heart from some unknown guy (who may never have earned it himself) and Trump squandered his opportunity to earn one of his own merit because he allowed a deferment to get in his way.

    The similarities between Trump's long journey to receive his Purple Heart (easily as Trump said).
    Is fairly equivalent to Brooks getting his writing gig and with no accountable merit of his earning and keeping that writing gig.

    Besides, They both , "have words. many great words". "Believe me"!9 even if they do not ever use them. Let alone say something worthwhile with those many great words of theirs.

  6. First of all Trump couldn't do military service because his heel spurs prevented him from doing long marches.
    (In fact, had it not been for the invention of the golf cart, he wouldn't have been able to play golf during this period either.)

    Second, although some people undoubtedly saw a lot of action in 'Nam, on the home front Trump fought the desperate battle against STD's (which, yeah, he's told us, and that's why he got the Purple Heart).

    Finally, while Brooks may have no insight or self-awareness, neither does my dog if I had a dog.

    And lastly if I could just punch this up to 800 words, toss in some made up sociology, and forego any editing, I too could be a NY Times columnist and maunder on about whether we'll ever get crazy Uncle Donald back in the attic and who's to blame for leaving the door unlocked anyway.

    A speechless driftglass is a bad, bad thing.
    Rest, recuperate and return to the fray.
    On the other hand, a speechless David Brooks would be poetic justice akin to an unemployed Roger Ailes having to pay for sex out of his own pocket.

  7. It'll soon be old news anyway. The media will decide that Trump has changed and pivoted and is now a perfectly respectable ordinary candidate. It's the storyline they wanted from the beginning, and there will always be enough fake events to "confirm" that storyline. In a couple weeks, Brooks will become a Trump enabler again.

  8. I'd translate Brook's column to mean:

    "Dear NYT Bosses,

    I am writing regarding Trump successful seizure of all Republican voters that don't live in northern Virginia, southern Florida/Texas/etc. high-rises and gated communities, and the upper eastside for the foreseeable future.

    Those billionaires you spend nights, weekends, and kids have play dates with their kids are justifiably concerned, but I urge you not give into any idea that what the NYT needs is to replace the opinion page with Trumpist's who'll spend the next four years called Hillary a criminal c@#t.

    Me and the gang (Tom, Sully, et al.) here have been talking and want to assure you that a reasonable moderate conservative majority is out there. Just take drive through Des Moines the next time your waiting for you private jet to refuel (HAHAHAHAHA!). Anyway, we will double our efforts to make "Both-Sides" work to keep these moderates from wondering what those dirty hippies have been talking about all these years and keep the public conversation focused on Republicans and when we'll return to power.

    Your humble servant who's alimony checks are due to 1st of each month,

    David Brooks"

  9. Pretty rich. Bobo calling the masses to the ramparts like some SUNY sophomore back in 68. Bad news douchebag, no troops will be rallying to your standard. They will wait for the dark money to pay PR firms for new wurdz to sell the same shit next cycle. They've got squat.

    Slightly off topic, but I just finished Matt Taibbi's field-dressing of the despicable Fried-unit. That both of these dilettantes work for the same paper, and that it is supposedly a paper of record, is a disgrace to American journalism.

  10. "Blogger bowtiejack said...
    First of all Trump couldn't do military service because his heel spurs prevented him from doing long marches.
    (In fact, had it not been for the invention of the golf cart, he wouldn't have been able to play golf during this period either.)"

    Not sofast.

    * Trump says his doctor said he *donny) was in the best, greatest perfect health. That he has never had anything health problems.

    * I watched MASH on the TV and they had four wheel drive golf carts and that was the Korean war. Think of the upgrades and technology to these 4 by 4 hov-a-rounds that were available to Trump then?

    "although some people undoubtedly saw a lot of action in 'Nam, on the home front Trump fought the desperate battle against STD's (which, yeah, he's told us, and that's why he got the Purple Heart)."

    * My apologies. I was unaware of the fact that Trump received his Purple Heart during "Nam as a civilian who was hit by STDs from friendly fire by Brooks.

    "Finally, while Brooks may have no insight or self-awareness, neither does my dog if I had a dog."

    *Mr. Labrador (my dog) displays self awareness as informing me when he has an appointment in the back yard, Wants someone to answer the door when guest knock. His insight is uncanny when he is confronted with choices of greeting a cat, rabbit, squirrel or another dog. And the greetings are all specific to which he is greeting.
    Just for examples.
    Mr. Labrador Wants you to know,
    Imagine a cartoon Rooster that talks in a southern accent telling you,
    "I do declare! You are impugning my honor, Sir. By putting me on the same level as David Brooks. I mean, He can't even tell you when he needs to get out of his political party and ends up and so ends up shitting in his own house.

  11. Isn't that Les Nesman, WKRP reporter?

  12. Half a column is all DFB's half-baked shit deserves.
