
Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Strategic Forgettery Now. Strategic Forgettery Tomorrow.

Strategic Forgettery Forever.

Once again I am putting my feet up and taking a certain bitter pleasure in seeing every single awful thing we on the Left have ever said about the various factions on the Right come true in real time right before out eyes,

Of course a Bush regime dead-ender like Mr. Frum can lie with impunity.

And of course Mr. Frum runs no risk of losing his place at the Beltway feeding trough for doing so.

And of course none of his colleagues will be rude enough to mention it.


  1. Frum and the Iraqi guy that runs the corner store up the street seem to have an altogether different idea about what constitutes a better future...

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. The emperor's clothes were beautiful. Everyone agreed. Well, except soreheads like you.

  3. Wait....I thought the conservative Strategic Forgettery talking point was Bush-Blair had won and a democratic free market utopia had emerged then Obama screwed it up and/or unleashed his friends in the Muslim Brotherhood (pre-2012 Islamic Boogeyman) then ISIS (post-2012 Islamic boogeyman)to screw it up?!?

    What happened that a new talking point needed minted from on high? Did the rubes get laughed at by their liberal neighbors too much?

    Also, I assume that because Twitter limits Mr. Frum to 140 characters he had drop the adjectives brown "skinned," "shiftless," and "Muslim" in front of "Iraqis."

  4. Those Iraqis are so ungrateful. All those expensive bombs we gave them.

  5. Eh? Whatsit to Frum? Frum doesn't have to deal with the living hell that's the day to day reality for Iraqi citizens, so eff 'em! Whatever Team USA! USA! USA! (and UK!) did there is fabulous x 1million, so STFU. Any collateral damage & blowback is all and only the fault of those camel jockey ragheads who live there, and furthermore, they're dirty Muslims. So double screw 'em if they can't take a joke.

    Souless sociopathic pyscopathic greedy parasites like Frum aren't paid the big buck$ to tell the truth or to have empathy for anyone, Chilcot Report be damned.

  6. The neocons are toast. The Alt Right is in.

  7. @John Taylor
    Depleted uranium ain't cheap.

  8. I remember listening to Rush on the radio years ago. There ws something important and bad for His side happening that day and i listened to him trying out several different kinds of counter-attack, including your faves, forgetting and both-sides. he kept taking calls until he could tell which argument resonated the best and the next day, that became the official talking point. The talk shows are not only echo chamber, but also sounding board and focus group.

  9. The party of personal responsibility strikes again!

    I'm sure David Frum will be busy running away from the eternal shitstorm that he helped create in the Middle East, and will be forever mystified why the Iraqis, after we killed and disbanded all their police and military forces, destroyed all of their economic infrastructure with freedom bombs, and completely dismantled their political and legal infrastructure, resorted to religious tribalism against the friendly red-faced Texan soldiers who screeched gibberish at them.

    They should have started talking to their nearest cab driver immediately and started signing up for a University of Phoenix coding class online so as to develop software like Facebook, Snapchat, and Angry Birds like any true member of Homo Economicus OH WAIT THEY DIDN'T HAVE FOOD, WATER, SECURITY, AND BASIC SOCIAL SERVICES OR A FUCKING GOVERNMENT OR GOD DAMN MARKET ECONOMY.

    I thought Ahmed Chalabi was supposed to transcendentally fix all of that with magic Ghandi pixie dust or something. That's how it works in Civilization! Why hasn't Iraq entered a Golden Age yet? Stupid game's buggy.

  10. "Lookit this war. We send our best boys over there, in broad daylight, in million-dollar airplanes, wearin' pressed uniforms, to bomb them Veetnamese, and what do they do? Come out at night. On their bicycles. Wearin' pyjamas. Not even Christian. I tell you what, if we wasn't bombin' 'em, they would not be able to bomb theirselves. If they don't like what we're doing for 'em, they ought to go back where they come from."
    -- the apocryphal Ed Snodgrass, quoted by his cousin John Henry Faulk

    1. Thanks for the flashback (I think)

  11. The Iraqis made a choice. The salient feature about choices is that the most important ones that affect our lives are made by others who insist that we get where we are because of our choices.

  12. Yes the official accounting of Blairs criminality is now on record. But what does that have to do with Bush/Cheney?
