
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

My Little Phony

Thanks to social media, #TrumpsKatrina has jumped from the "Fuck up" stage to the "Cover Up" stage in under 12 hours.

So way to go Twitter!

But the real gift to the American people has been the desperate, flailing incompetence of Republican efforts to lie away the biggest tripping-over-their-own-dick moment in modern political convention history.  Lying incompetently, live, on-camera and in front of millions of witnesses who do not necessarily turn to Free Republic or Storm Front or Breitbart for their news and opinions.

Republican Official Uses ‘My Little Pony’ to Defend Melania Trump Against Plagiarism Allegations
Thanks to the Conservative default setting of automatically reacting to every Republican travesty and disaster with "Deny!Deny!Deny!" and Blame The Kenyan Usurper, the GOP has managed to multiply the misery of their own self-inflicted, reality teevee debacle a thousand fold, on live teevee, just by being themselves.

So way to go Republicans!


  1. Somewhere, Herman Cain is laughing his ass off.

  2. ...
    oh FUCK these people.

  3. Is it a terrible thing atI know they're taking the quote out of context too?

    It wasn't a "shoot for your dreams" thing, it was part of a "fighting a dream-monster" sequence.

    Will the sTrumpets be quoting "Nightmare on Elm Street" lines too?

  4. Lying incompetently, live, on-camera and in front of millions of witnesses who do not necessarily turn to Free Republic or Storm Front or Breitbart for their news and opinions.

    Very nearly none of whom live in either Chambersburg or Hagerstown.

  5. As HST would say "Sweet Babbling Jesus! Who let those assholes in here? [Reaches in his kit bag for a can of "Chemical Billy" mace]!"

  6. The old show business line of "I don't care what say about me, as long as you spell my name right" comes to mind.

    No one could be so stupid as to think the speech would be considered anything but a rip off. Most likely was done on purpose. She was just too dumb to know what whose speech this really was.

    Deny, Deny, Deny, just got them more press. Next they'll be comparing her to Michelle Obama anyhow.

  7. Reagan raise What 17 times?

    Missing Reagan and his hard tough stance on immigration?

    Reagan's support for the right for the Black Panthers to bear arms was so 2nd Amendment. Just like Wayne LaPierre of the NRA.

    Who said this,

    Although the facts tell my head it is true. My heart says I didn't.
