
Sunday, July 24, 2016

Metastasizing Cultural Cancer Says What?

It would be easy to note that since, at 54, Ann Coulter is no longer the "It Girl" of White Pride Worldwide, she has to hate ever harder and louder to get her ghastly, dead-eyed mug on camera.

But that would be wrong.

You could also argue that, as author Steven Beschloss does that, Trump has opened the door for this kind of despicable talk:

And while that is true, it is not at all sufficient.

As Liberals bloggers and media sites have documented for years and in excruciating detail, this kind of "despicable talk" has been the lingua franca of Hate Radio/Fox News for decades now. Decades.

And yet tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, she'll still be syndicated in newspapers coast-to-coast.  And  next week or the week after that she'll be back on MSNBC, yucking it up with Chris Matthews. 

It is long past time when anyone can honestly say that Ann Coulter, or Sean Hannity, or Rush Limbaugh are the problem.

No, the problem is the mainstream media that normalizes their bigotry and lies.

I imagine Melissa Harris-Perry's MSNBC termination letter mounted on a pike outside the MSNBC cafeteria as a cautionary tale to anyone MSNBC employee who might be thinking of challenging Comcast's corporate decisions in any way.

I imagine Joe Scarborough rubbing it every time he walks by -- like it was his own, personal Apollo Theater “Tree of Hope” stump -- and laughing and laughing and laughing all the way to the bank.


  1. I don't even know what to say. I almost feel traumatized by the last year and Republican politics...political PTSD, if you will. The constant lies, cruelty, perverse love of, and then threats of, violence, not only to 'others' across the seas and south of the border, but to everyone who disagrees with the Trump/Coulter/Limbaugh/Savage wing of whatever this rabble wants to call themselves. I'd laugh if I hadn't personally witnessed madness, especially last week, and people who actually find this behavior, not only acceptable, but desireable.

    I've joked about moving to Ireland if Trump is elected, although Canada is closer and cheaper. Perhaps I just feel more comfortable with an ocean between him, his followers and me. Now it's not just idle speculation. I hated Nixon, didn't mind Ford so much (everything is relative), knew Reagan was an idiot because he was my Governor, and was absolutely appalled by Bush, the Younger's dangerous dumbassery. This is the first time I feel that getting out while the gettin's good might be a very prudent decision should this Republican monster be elected. The whole right wing would be lined up knitting and braying and I don't want to be near this place.

  2. I'm always curious about how and when "crying all the way to the bank" became "laughing all the way to the bank."

  3. "...the problem is the mainstream media that normalizes their bigotry and lies."

    And this is why, while fun to watch, Roger's 60 million dollar firing won't change our public discourse like it would of, say 10 years ago. The cancer has spread and the FoxNews model IS the mainstream media model. Coulter et al. are delivering the product Comcast corner office WANTS delivered and the post-2009 purge of liberals from the mainstream media is all the proof we need that this isn't happening solely due to ratings or liberals being un-quotable and/or not knowing how to talk in 30 second sound bites.

  4. the irony was removed from "crying all the way to the bank", and voila! "laughing all the way to the back. Kind of like the ironic "I could care less" becomes the accurate, and therefore bland as hell "I couldn't care less."

  5. The corporate owners of everything, including the media, want this kind of divisive talk. It wouldn't be happening otherwise. We've witnessed over the past 30+ years the complete dumbing down of the media into some sort of "infotainment" bullshit. And the racism, sexism, xenophobia, and all the other "phobias" have been cleverly and then baldly inserted, and away we go.

    There appears to be no turning back, and there appears to be no bar that's too low, more's the pity.

    Coultergeist also attacked an Aussie, who's a US citizen:

    "Now, Australian Danielle Pletka says Trump sounds like a national leader "OF RUSSIA." Pro Tip: Try to get Americans tell us what's American."

    No one's safe, not even our WHITE Aussie cousins who've become citizens. Get in line or STFU is the MO these days.

  6. The corporate owners of everything, including the media, want this kind of divisive talk. It wouldn't be happening otherwise. We've witnessed over the past 30+ years the complete dumbing down of the media into some sort of "infotainment" bullshit. And the racism, sexism, xenophobia, and all the other "phobias" have been cleverly and then baldly inserted, and away we go.

    "You Broodless fool, did you really think God died of natural causes?"
    -- Broodseven-Sub-Two Raksha to the patrons of Callahan's Place, "Unnatural Causes" (Spider Robinson)

    As I've said before and will probably say again, I can only think of one really compelling argument against the proposition that this creeping trend against you and me is being deliberately instigated by hostile ultraterrestrial entities, and that argument is that such beings would at least try to be subtle about their efforts to wipe out our species. Or maybe this is always how it feels when you're watching somebody sleepwalk off a cliff and desperately trying to wake them up.

  7. Ah yes, it's just aliens come to "serve mankind."

    Mmmmm tasty!

    I guess they figure earthlings are such dumbos - and I don't think they're wrong about that - that they don't need to be subtle anymore.

    Question: is it the Greys or the Lizards? Or someone/thing as yet unidentified?

    Perhaps when our Alien Overlords stop wearing their human skin disguises, we'll find out. I'm waiting for the Koch Brothers to slip off their human skins any day now, followed rapidly along by Rupert Murdoch & Roger Ailes.
