
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Another Sweet $115 Payday For The Sad Clown of Centrism

As I mentioned back in May...
A random cabdriver told me that every time Ron Fournier uses the phrase "corrupt duopoly", Michael Bloomberg pays him $115.
That's pure journalism people, Pure journalism.  Bask in it.

And so, given what we know about the astronomical cost of hookers and tequila room service and bathing caps in conventions cities when the circus comes to town, and given that the end of the month is fast upon us, it is no surprise the Sad Clown of Centrism might be coming up a little short right now and need to hit that sweet, sweet Bloomberg ATM one more time before the "maid" comes with "fresh towels".

UPDATE (thanks to alert reader "RG"):

Not to be squeezed out of his place at the Both Siderist trough, the 173rd most redundant pundit in America, Matthew Dowd, weighs in...


  1. Defense against what, asshole? The dark arts? If you want incompetence, see: Trump campaign, RNC.

  2. Don't own a tv; reduced to listening to a very short part of DNC convention on National Propaganda Radio w/ Judy Woodruff-ruff & Gwen Awful.

    Some shouting and booing happening, but I read elsewhere that it wasn't all that much (at the point I tuned in), but Woodsie & Awful continuously commented on all the "dissention & disruption." Playing to maximize the effect.

    When they turned to DFB for his "opinion" of all of the disruption, that was bridge too far and I turned it off.

    Between the pundits and the corporate-owned media, the sheeples are duly directed as to what they should "believe" & "think" about what happened. From that stand point, unsurprisingly, Fournier and Dowd chime in with the predictable Both Sides! Both Sides! Both Sides in total disarray!!11!! World's collide!!11!! Aieeeeeeee!!11!!

    Yeah, right. I read a book, then checked commentary on some sites I find more reliable. Much better use of my time.

  3. I was going to call Matty Dowd a hack for his dim-witted attempt to flog the Both Sides narrative, but it seems he's blocked me on Twitter. I guess the last time I told him the truth, it gave him a sad.

  4. Both Sider's: Proudly providing cover for and/or negating the educated, affluent white vote since 2008!

  5. Charlie Rose had Matthew Dowd and a Democratic strategist on last night to talk about the convention. I don't remember who the Democratic strategist was, but I remember that he was in fact identified as a Democratic strategist, whereas Republican strategist Matthew Dowd was identified only as "ABC News' senior political analyst." Even my man Chuck Todd and the Clinton Guy Shocked by Blowjobs identify him as a Republican strategist. One more reason why I could bear it with enormous fortitude if I heard that somebody had given Charlie Rose the sweet kiss of a baseball-bat baptism.

  6. In his abundance of politeness, Norm Ornstein refuses to tell Dowd to cram the BothSiderism right up his "no really I'm an independent, not a GOP hack!" ass. Norm's book and all of his recent work says the opposite of what Dowd is always pushing.

  7. Lol -- and Brian Williams was reading Fournier's tweets on air last night to tee up the MSNBC commentators.
