
Thursday, June 02, 2016

Reince Priebus Has Another Very Bad Day

The Republican National Committee's head of Hispanic Media Relations just resigned because she doesn't want to work on behalf of the raging, racist asshole at the top of her party's ticket (h/t Blue Gal at Crooks & Liars):
The New York Times reports this morning that Ruth Guerra,, really...head of Hispanic Media Relations for the Republican National Committee, has resigned over disagreement with her party's presumptive nominee for President of the United States.
The head of Hispanic media relations at the Republican National Committee is resigning this month in what appears to be another indication of the lingering discomfort some party officials have about working to elect Donald J. Trump president.

Ruth Guerra, who is of Mexican descent and was in charge of carrying the party’s message to Hispanic voters, ... told colleagues this year that she was uncomfortable working for Mr. Trump, according two R.N.C. aides who requested anonymity to speak candidly about the difficulties surrounding the party’s presumptive standard-bearer...
Sure this may look bad, but take heart, wingnuts.  Your chairman, Reince Priebus, has 100% foolproof plan to win over Hispanics voters with a Big!Musical!Number! on the opening night of the Orange Wedding in Cleveland.

Here's just a little taste of the glory that is to come...


  1. "the lingering discomfort some party officials have..."


  2. The "discomfort" results from a furious attempt to chew off the arm Trump's head is laying on before he wakes up.

  3. The "discomfort" of which you speak is a result of the furious attempt to chew off the arm Trump is laying on before he wakes up.

  4. Not to worry. Rinse Pubis will just call central casting and order the usual. Ya know, a few of The Blahs, three or four of the Spanishes, maybe 4 or 5 of the Orientals but make 'em from different countries, you know, some from the Chinese place and some from wherever that troll Piyush Jindal comes from... and hey we'll make sure Piyush is there because he OWES us.

    But hey, Morey: no rag heads or camel jockeys and none of them chicks in veils. NO way, nuh uh. Not them.

    How much for a few days at the convention? Front row seats; lots of camera close ups. They can put it in their portfolios.

    What's that, Morey? Protection? Security? Yeah, whatever. We'll assign a few of the skin heads to keep an eye on 'em before we turn 'em loose after the convention's over.

    You're right, Morey. I agree. They probably will need security to protect them with this crowd. Not to worry. We got it covered, and yes yes yes we'll take out extra insurance. You happy now?

  5. We all take different things from your posts DG. Me, 'Orange Wedding' is in my lexicon for the duration of this brown acid trip.

  6. Say, I wonder what the exact moment was that made Ms. Guerra realize that her party's nominee is in opposition to others of her ethnic group being in America.
    Has she realized yet that her entire party shares the same philosophy as Trump?
