
Friday, June 24, 2016

Professional Left Podcast #342

note: podcast was edited by Blue Gal while we drove down I74, and uploaded thanks to the free wifi at a McD's along US231.
-- driftglass

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  1. Paul Ryan is a walking publicity stunt, with a big scoop of fraud thrown in. The Beltway media wants so badly for there to be a smart, policy oriented Republican that they just overlook the fact that Ryan can't even credibly play one on teevee, and cover him as if anything he says makes sense, when it really doesn't...
    OK, Jenny and the sheep. "Let's Pretend This Never Happened" is a wonderful, hilarious book by Jenny Lawson, better known online as The Bloggess. I don't know whether you know about her, but when I heard you say that in the podcast, I had to mention her in case you didn't.
    As for the sheep, I was a motocross racer when I was a kid, and I pretty much have my sister to thank for it, as she negotiated with my parents in 1968 to sell her 4-H blue ribbon sheep to partially pay for the Honda Mini Trail that I learned to ride on. I don't remember the sheep that well, but I was only 7, and we lived on some acreage with a bunch of live stock so I guess that's to be expected.
    Thank you for the great podcast once again.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. The Bloggess is great; a real whack job in some ways (hard to tell how much of that is an act, though). Good podcast, as usual.
