
Thursday, June 02, 2016

If You're Not Part of The Solution...'re part of the precipitate.

On this Day of Capitulation, the Washington Post is having a very big sad over Paul Ryan finally selling out the tattered remnants of his principles at remaindered prices.   The WaPo finished up as follows:
Following Mr. Ryan’s endorsement, some insisted that the speaker had little choice. This is false. “My dad used to say, ‘If you’re not a part of the solution, you’re a part of the problem,’ ” Mr. Ryan said in March. When he has a comparable conversation with his children, how will Mr. Ryan explain the decision he made in this campaign?
Whatever will Ryan tell his children?


"Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down?
That's not my department," says Wernher von Braun...


  1. ""If you’re not a part of the solution, you’re a part of the problem"

    If true,
    Since paul Ryan could not pass any funding for the Zika virus. For the horrible effects it has on the conservative beloved fetus and child. (including Conservative fetuses).
    Does this make Paul Ryan a zika virus infected mosquito?

  2. "When he has a comparable conversation with his children, how will Mr. Ryan explain the decision he made in this campaign?"

    I bet it won't be a problem for him.

    "Look, kids. I was a Republican Speaker in 2016; I had ALREADY sold what little soul I still possessed for a comfortable life and a good pension. Why would I endanger my position by taking a principled stand? You kids like your Disney vacations, right? There you go."

  3. With apologies to Prof. Lehrer:

    Gather round while I sing you of Speaker Paul Ryan
    A man whose allegiance is overruled by expedience
    Call him a sellout he won't even start cryin'
    "Ah sellout shmellout" says Speaker Paul Ryan

  4. As indicated previously, Trump made Ryan an offer that Ryan couldn't refuse. Trump revealed his true bona fides and told Ryan that he'd go after Social Security & Medicare with a vengeance. Trump told Ryan to just ignore what Trump said about "protecting" Social Security & Medicare while on the campaign trail. Trump told Ryan: it's just a show to get the rubes to vote for me. All of this true, and not snark.

    I read that the Ryan's biggest patrons, the Kochs, have abandoned funding the Presidential race and are focusing on state and local elections/issues instead. Ryan has nothing to lose by his capitulation to Trump and everything to gain. I'm sure that there's payola involved somewhere.

    What will Ryan tell his kids?? Look, kids: I'm rich, so are you, this is how the system works. You either SCREW everyone else, or you get screwed. Got it? So STFU.

    People like Ryan, who benefited mightily from Social Security, have no morals, no scruples, no principals, no conscience. It's all about: I got MINE, Eff YOU!!! Kiss up, kick down writ large.

  5. Paul Ryan will tell his kids that matter how hungry you get, we'll feed your soul not your stomachs.
