The Washington Post joins the chorus of decrepit mainstream media outfits who are sure that someday, somehow, someone will pay for this nonsense:
The steady downward spiral of the Republican Party in 2016:...In the matter of the Republican Party’s moral and ideological bankruptcy, the GOP is still in the “gradually” phase. Donald Trump is seemingly about to accumulate all, or nearly all, of the 1,237 delegates needed to win the GOP presidential nomination on the first ballot. In the face of this not quite entirely inevitable but quite entirely odious prospect, the thing to do is declare your unequivocal opposition and fight it. Alas, some leading Republicans, such as House Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Jeff Miller (Fla.) and Transportation Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (Pa.), have endorsed Trump. Others are calibrating their responses, as politicians are wont to do....Someday, everyone involved in American politics will be called upon to account for his or her behavior during Mr. Trump’s run for the White House. The Republican Party chairman, Reince Priebus, forged one route months ago when he cheerfully pronounced: “Winning is the antidote to a lot of things.” It will be instructive to watch which politicians now follow Mr. Priebus to the moral poorhouse, and which have the gumption to chart a different course.
Bold words, WaPo.
Bold words.
But for an outfit that is run as Fred Hiatt's personal neocon safe-house and continues to offer it's masthead to the likes of Michael Gerson and George Will and Charles Krauthammer and Kathleen Parker and Ruth Marcus and Marc Thiessen and Robert Kagan and Jennifer Rubin and Joe Scarborough, maybe the Post should be careful about offering editorial prayers for comeuppance to be visited on the heads of the morally and ideologically bankrupt.
ReplyDelete"...Someday, everyone involved in American politics will be called upon to account for his or her behavior during Mr. Trump’s run for the White House..."
Both Sides Uber Alles?
It's sort of interesting that the whole GOP response to this is in the nature of not that's it's a bad thing to drive at high speeds while drunk, but rather that dangerous telephone poles and bridge abutments must be held to account,
ReplyDeleteSaw this gem over at Balloon Juice:
ReplyDeleteRepublicans in 2002: Democracy must be spread everywhere!
Republicans in 2016: Democracy is bad.
Can I give a thumbs up to bowtiejack and lit3bolt?
ReplyDeleteMay the 4th be with us today, 'cause after last night we need the drinks...
It will be instructive to watch which politicians now follow Mr. Priebus to the moral poorhouse, and which have the gumption to chart a different course.
ReplyDeleteAnyone wanna bet against me? My bet? At least 90% or more of the GOP fed pols - and many more lower down the political ladder - will be genuflecting and kissing the ring and heiney of Herr Trump by November. Bets anyone? It'll all be done in the name of: a) unity!, b) democracy!, c) GOP forevah! and so forth. But really it'll be about: cross my palm with silver. You betcha!
I thought the "moral poorhouse" was only for the damn lazy lousy leechy proles who need some sort of gubmint assistance, like SNAP... not to be confused with rightwingnut welfare users suckling deeply at the other gubmint teat.
WaPo built its reputation on Watergate. Before and after their day to day reporting never escapes an endless spin cycle. The editorial written by DC insiders engaged in a formal dress circle jerk. The only positive aspect of the paper is periodic good investigative reporting.
ReplyDeleteBTW is there a female equivalent of a circle jerk? Inquiring minds want to know.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure by November 10, 2016 the media will be saying Trump's campaign was an Andy Kaufman-esque performance piece and he never intended to actually win (unless it's close, then "Hillary Stole It", or he actually does win, then it will be "Liberalism rejected" ca. 2002).
But considering what will most likely happen, they will say he did it all to "force tough conservations" about how Both Sides are equally bad and the parties need to listen to the "the people" once again. But they will insist that conservatives just need a little internal reform while liberals are the real problem...just look at how horrible Obama's presidency was, am I right?
This becomes an existential fight for the likes of WaPo and its band of neocon wordsmiths. In the unlikely event that the Donald wins, the first ones to go will be them, and they know it. Purity of essence and all that.
ReplyDeleteAs for gooperdom, it's die are cast. Doesn't matter what He, Trump does, the party as it was 8 months ago, is nevermore.