
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Today In Both Sides Do It: Joe Scarborough

MSNBC employee Joe Scarborough continues to follow that well-worn path to Beltway respectability.

First, establish your personal brand as a reactionary loud-mouthed Conservative asshole.

Second, after the Bush Administration completely collapses and turns your swaggering reactionary Conservative blabber to ash in your mouth, find a corporation willing to pay you lots of money every week to jerk off to Ronald Reagan in public and pine for the Good Old Days before Both Sides fucked everything up.

Third, use the clout from your unearned media gig to snag an unearned op-ed position in a Respectable American Newspaper, where you can  jerk off to Ronald Reagan in public and pine for the Good Old Days before Both Sides fucked everything up.

We join Mr. Scarborough in yesterday's Washington Post positively wallowing in Step Three (emphasis added):
But just as Republicans lost all sense of political perspective during the Obama presidency, Democrats did the same during the Bush years. And before that, Republicans like me sometimes lost their better judgment during Clinton’s stay in the White House.

I make this sparklingly bipartisan observation while believing that Obama’s foreign policy has been the most disastrous of my lifetime, somehow even worse than George W. Bush’s atrocious run as commander in chief...

Maybe that’s why I am so exhausted by decades of screamers on talk radio and cable news, and the legions of angry partisans who spend their days and nights predicting America’s collapse. These nattering nabobs of negativism that pollute our not-so-new-media landscape have embarrassed themselves for 30 years...
Says the meatbag who has spent the last 20 years making a very fine living shoveling wingnut bullshit.

Mr. Scarborough goes on to explain how Barack Obama and Donald Trumo are actually very much alike --
Comparing Trump to Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini only helps the GOP front-runner in much the same way Obama was helped by Republican leaders who had their brains scrambled and fried by his success. The 44th president has masterfully played off his political opponents’ exaggerations, as has Trump...
-- and then, for the Big Finish, the host of a show that bears his name and brags that it's "where America’s news makers begin their day" can't help but bitch about how "most political and media elites" are morons.
But most political and media elites are in no mood to hear about the legitimate reasons millions of Americans are standing in long lines to vote for Trump. It’s far easier to call those voters white supremacists, drug addicts and losers. And it makes many of these elites feel morally and intellectually superior...
Those other political and media elites.

Over there somewhere.

Says MSNBC employee Joe Scarborough.

MSNBC...  Wingnut pornographers by day, fiery sermons on the dangers of wingnut pornography by night, and making a tidy profit from both ends of the deal.

Like PAGAN in Dragnet, but without the hot beats:


  1. Morning Joey Joe Joe Junior: "...Obama’s foreign policy has been the most disastrous of my lifetime, somehow even worse than George W. Bush’s atrocious run as commander in chief."

    There's so much fail in that comment, it's hard to know where to begin. To put it mildly, there's plenty to criticize in Obama's foreign policy legacy. But no one with two working brain cells to rub together could possibly conclude that it's within three leagues of being WORSE than the Bush record, which Obama is in many ways STILL, at the very end of his presidency, trying (with limited success) to clean up after.

    To borrow and repurpose a memorable simile from friend-of-the-blog John Cole, saying Obama is worse than Bush on foreign policy is like saying a dinner of Italian food, even crappy food at the Olive Garden, is worse than a dinner of tire rims and anthrax. Only a braindead dipshit would prefer the latter. Oh, hi there, Joey Joe Joe Junior Scarborough.

    And of course, Joey Joe Joe Junior dutifully stood and applauded the Bush reign of error right up until it became a profitable career move to become, more in sadness than anger, a critic. Just like Innumerate Tory Douche Andrew Sullivan, Matt "No Really I'm Not a Republican, Why Are You Laughing?" Dowd, Ron "Severe Dementia" Fournier, David "Axis of Evil" Frum, and the rest.

  2. The fact that anyone outside Florida or the politics fandom has ever the hell heard of Joey Squint is mute testimony that both sides don't it. At least until Gary Condit gets his own show on Fox News.

    Actually, for both sides to do it, Gary Condit would have to get his own show on Fox News... where he is openly liberal and yet treated with the same respect afforded to Billo and Squarehead Sean... in a parallel universe where Chandra Levy was found dead in Condit's office and cremated without an autopsy. "That would be even, Vernita. That'd be about square."

  3. Maybe that’s why I am so exhausted by decades of screamers on talk radio and cable news, and the legions of angry partisans who spend their days and nights predicting America’s collapse.

    Here's a clue for free, Joe: then just STFU. Just Stop. Just go away. Never open your fetid yap again or digitally enter any of your lying screaming bullshit.

    Maybe things would get a bit more peaceful for you... and for the rest of us, too.

    PS Like BOTH SIDES have legions of angry screamers on the radio and tv. Yeah, right. I just hadda point that out. They never quit with this lie, do they?

  4. After all this time Scar has been providing his mayberry inside views on politics.
    In reality he has been simply another right wing rush radio wantabe, but on TV with a sidekick.
    The one thing I ever took away from Scar was the moment he admitted on TV that the GOP is a corrupt money scam.

    Buying books at bulk and using them to give away at GOP events as trinkets.

    And so much more. He hoped off that train some time ago.
    "But let me tell you how it was when I was in Congress".

    Scar's career was solidified when he had an audience with the Republican money pope brothers.

    For Scar to use the old republican birther lucky charm, to endear himself. He may find that what he perceives as a applauding crowd is really the roar of the folks with pitchforks charging.

    Shouldn't Scar go to a Trump rally in cognito?

  5. "At least until Gary Condit gets his own show on Fox News."

    Danny Thomased my morning coffee on that one!

  6. I couldn't believe anyone would think Obama's foreign policy worse than Dubya's. Then I remembered who Joe was.

  7. Rush has his sidekick (Snerdley). Is Mika Scar's Snerdley?

    Why hasn't Scar or Mika spoke on the hastert ? That republicans put a admitted child molester 2nd in line to the presidency?

    I guess because Scar is really a liberal. He is on MSNBC. The liberal media, the "Lame Stream" media?
    Why do media exec's feel I need to hear this so called other side of both siderism on the MSNBC.

    MSNBC, don't look now but your Comcast is showing!

  8. Scumborough.

    Just sayin'.

  9. I am honestly curious about the business sense of MSNBC and WaPo. Aside from the 'content' of Joe's dribble, how can this guy be on the air as well as be rewarded with a prestige side job? His ratings are miserable, have never been good, his reviews stink as well. Yet here he is, fast tracked to the top of Village Life. Some of us have excelled in our positions, only to be cut loose for being a certain age or other now norm BS reasons. But evidently being a lightweight loser on TV is a rocket to pundit stardom. I can only assume that the bench for neocon bobbleheads is so shallow, that nitwits like Joe, Bobo, Kristol are luminaries on that team.
