
Saturday, April 02, 2016

Fixing Michael Gerson's Grammatical Errors, Again

Original headline in the Washington Post:
The worst stereotype of the GOP is coming to life in the form of Donald Trump

By Michael Gerson Opinion writer March 31 at 8:48 PM

Corrected headline as it should have read in the Washington Post:
The worst stereotype of the GOP is coming to life out of the Republican closet in the form of Donald Trump

By Michael Gerson Opinion writer March 31 at 8:48 PM
Also too, Michael, what does it say that your party's second choice is even more of a horrifying stereotype than the racist goon who leads the field?

Once again, WaPo, getting this shit right just isn't that hard.  If I can take a five minutes break from my 11th blogiversary bacchanal to correct this boo-boo --

-- so can you.


  1. "I'm sorry it troubles you that our people achieve excellence at such an early age. But could we just move on to what's important here? Now, I understand that your Prime Minister has asked you to supply us with some, say, fresh British intelligence, is that true?"
    "Yeah, apparently, your fucking master race of highly-gifted toddlers can't quite get the job done..."
    "All right."
    "...between breast-feeds and playing with their Power Rangers. So, an actual grown-up has been asked to fucking bail you out."

  2. Congratulations. Apparently, you've been at this on-line blogging dodge for, what?, 11 years now. Seems like I read that somewhere.

    Don't know why I didn't discover you before now, but we all have national treasure Charlie Pierce to thank for that.

    Funny thing, I've been eclectically on blogspot going on 9 years now, and you probably hadn't heard of me either. Don't worry, that puts you in league with the vast and overwhelming majority of the world's billions. Good company that. I say some political things sometimes but mostly lately have been aggregating world news about our planet's most precious resource—that is to say water, but of course you knew that. Raising awareness of our increasingly desperate situation seems something worthwhile a no-name blogger can do.

    I'm proud to add you to my blogroll beginning this very day and will be clicking through as and when your feed indicates a fresh post.

    Again, keep up the good work. I hope to find moments to crawl through what promises to be an enlightening & enjoyable back catalog. So, more hits for you!


    Jim H.

  3. Edited
    "The worst stereotype of the GOP is coming to life out of the Republican closet in the form of Donald Trump "

    Re edited;
    The worst stereotype of the GOP is coming to life out of the Republican closet in the xxxxxxx of Donald Trump.

    Insert- "GOP platform managerial leadership"

    When the dog's hearing evolves out from under the dirty underwear at the bottom of the dark closet. The dog whistle frequency is obsolete and false pride in dirty smelly things become the GOP pheromones.

    Public Health notice;
    Republican Rehab is covered under the Affordable Care Act. (Or, translated into conservative language-ObamaCare).

    I think Gerson will provide the bright future of the newly defined party of Trump. They have always enjoyed the Rebranding of moldy bread to sell.

    Let us ravish in the awesome words of a true conservative like Gerson as he attempts to act as the GOP interpreter.

    As, "It is better to let a child be born only to pick up a gun at 3 years of age and shoot itself in the head -by accidental God's will- than to allow a would-be parent to better plan for their parenthood of said children
    As a political party who denies evolution believes strongly in devolution.
    * With liberal anticipation, I await Gerson's final resolve when (if) Trump is crowned to GOP nominee. Well he vote for that nominee with the "R" in front of his name? As a Conservative sootsayer, can he publically be honest about this?
    At stake is the GOP rebel base that have been conditioned to look for the "R". And Gerson is well aware De programming the Rush and Beck out of the assimilated is not a impossible outcome. This is where DFB was failing.
    Gerson will find "extra Crispy is the only way anyone can end up jumping through the hoop of fire at the circus.

  4. Advocacy: "The worst stereotype of the GOP is coming to life in the form of Donald Trump"
    Objectivity: "The cultivated mindset of the GOP is finding its voice in the form of Donald Trump"
