
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Midday Break


  1. Dogs best friend..........

    Once elected president. On day one, I will sign an Executive order making it a Constitutional right for every Documented American to be entitled to "a midday break " as pictured. One per citizen per week.

  2. PSA: Ron "Severe Dementia" Fournier pulled a vintage Fournier today. He's up with a perfectly reasonable piece attacking Trump for being a fucking moron and putting it on display for the Washington Post editorial board (they're not exactly Mensa scholars themselves. If they think you're a moron, well, you're a goddamn fucking moron).

    But before launching into his critique of Trump, Ron "Severe Dementia" Fournier makes sure he punches his BOTH SIDES 4EVER card with the heading:

    "Trump has a Clinton-sized victim’s complex"

    Bravo, Mr. Fournier. The world would have forgiven you if you'd submitted one column or tweet that did not include a mindless "both sides" remark. But you are zealously determined not to ever let that happen.

  3. You changed the banner!

  4. LOVE the new banner!
