
Saturday, March 26, 2016

An Easter Tradition


  1. Great. Now that's stuck in my head. I'll sing it when I carve up the lamb.

  2. The po' folk are always in need of a shower on that show.

  3. First time I've ever seen it. It's hilarious the whole way through, but I love the end..."And Samuel L. Jackson as Principal Firebush".

  4. Thanks, I needed that!

  5. The Orthodox conservatives decry blasphemy. Hollywood liberal blasphemy I tell you.
    Why doesn't Heston, Chuck Norris and other conservatives in Hollywood rise up?

    As the U.S. Constitution was written by Christians plagiarizing the Bible.

    Evidenced by comparing the 2nd Commandment of, Thou shall not make no law regarding guns.
    the 2nd Amendment of thou shalt not make no law regulating guns.

    The difference being God being the law giver in the Bible and conservatives plagiarizing that law. (sort of, in their own way).
    The similarities between the 2nd commandment and the 2nd Amendment is astonishing.
    Proof, this is a Christian nation ran by conservative fundamental evangelical pharisees.
    This was not paid for by the Theocratic fascist Ted Cruz Campaign. But if it was paid for, It would be covered under Secretive Free Speech. In the !st Commandment transcribed into the 1st Amendment. Which is another story.

    -----Happy Bunny........
    Eat a chocolate rabbit's foot for luck.

  6. That is just awesome. Thanks, Jebus.

  7. That's hilarious! Thanks and enjoy whatever goodies this day brings to you. Principal Firebush!!! heh...
