
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Blunder Buddies For Life

The Internet just horked this perfect little owl pellet of Beltway Botherhood (tm) solidarity into my lap.

Thanks, Internet!

(Video is rated Not Safe For Work)


  1. Not on topic, but I wanted you to be aware of other writers appropriating your terminology...

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. So I guess this will not be the choice for the Driftglass Book Club? Well, OK then.

  3. Indeed.

    Another addition to the “Great advice if your net worth is north of 5 million and have a fat rolodex. Career suicide for everyone else” section of the book store.

  4. Hundreds of pages of a college student failing an essay test. And rich people won't even read it - they just hope you do.

    Brooks can't even manage to be wrong anymore.

  5. I saw your comment over at Charlie's place... geez, Scheer has good intentions but idiotic conclusions...

  6. On Amazon's website, I bet if you click on that link for his book, you'll see below it "Customers who bought this book also bought..."

    "The Road to Peace" by Dick Cheney
    "The Road to Truth" by Bill O'Riley and
    "The Road to Comb-overs that Fool Everyone Into Thinking You Aren't Balding" by Donald Trump

  7. I confess the Thunder Buddy song cracked me up. If that makes me a bad zombie, so be it...

  8. So the Brookman has taken over the Public Virtue pop-stand vacated by gluttonous gambler Bill Bennett? This should be enlightening.

  9. Heard him interviewed on NPR & I swear he's trolling you.
