
Friday, February 27, 2015

From the Ministry of Stupid

This utterly predictable report:
Welcome to the Obamanet
The FCC snatches political control over more of the economy.

The Federal Communications Commission’s decision Thursday to regulate the Internet as a public utility is a depressing moment for American innovation and economic liberty. The FCC is grabbing political control over a vibrant market that until now has been driven by inventors and consumers. Welcome to the Obamanet.

President Obama demanded this result in a November speech, and FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler and Democrats Mignon Clyburn and Jessica Rosenworcel have now dutifully voted to apply last century’s monopoly telephone rules to Internet service providers. They have in the process made a mockery of the agency’s supposed independence.
Congress likely won’t be able to stop the FCC, so the best near-term response will have to come in the courts. In the best case, the lawsuits will delay the new rules until after the 2016 election. Then a new President less set on political control can appoint a new FCC and rewrite this effort to subject this great engine of American innovation to the untender clutches of the same folks who brought you ObamaCare.
The comments are the usual frantic, end-times nut-logs with which all the usual patriots fill their Ronald Reagan Underoos every time someone shakes a stick at them and says "Obama Boo!"
We're still in 1984. Obama and his useful idiots will grind the US into the totalitarian muck if it's the last thing he does.

they talk about freedom all the time, feed us their line of B.S. about human rights, and then Obama's government grabs control over the internet just like we do.

Congress should immediately defund the FCC and extinguish the agency in its entirety.

Silicon Valley meets Code Pink.

Nothing but a breathtaking power grab of another major part of the American economy. Tom Wheeler, and his two FCC brethren, are left-wing tools of his high holiness, Barack Obama...
But hands down this one takes the "Keep Your Gummint Hands Off My Medicare" cup going away...
Elections have consequences. Sooner or later, the government ruins everything it touches. Under this Marxist dictator of a president, it was bound to be sooner. In this case, the internet, before now the most beautiful example of human accomplishment ever seen...
Because only in the hermetically sealed terrarium of the  Fox News cult could the concept of making sure the internet remains what it has been all along -- a roughly level playing field for everyone -- be considered both a pillar of the International Commie Conspiracy and the Sixth Seal of the Apocalypse.


  1. "Then a new President less set on political control can appoint a new FCC and rewrite this effort"

    Uh oh. Sounds like someone wants to "make a mockery of the agency’s supposed independence".

  2. Have you ever noticed that whoever the RWs bogie man is they speak as if he will always be. Until he isn't anymore and they move on to a new bogie man.

  3. Sooner or later, the government ruins everything it touches. Under this Marxist dictator of a president, it was bound to be sooner. In this case, the internet, before now the most beautiful example of human accomplishment ever seen...

    And completely a creation of DARPA, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the federal government.
