
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

For Brutus is an Honorable Man

As I write this, the Most Ubiquitous Conservative in America is stepping into the pulpit of a church in Birmingham (not the 100%!Totally!Muslim! one) to lecture a god-fearing audience on Moral Leadership:

NYT columnist David Brooks will speak at Claypool lecture on Tuesday night at Samford

The annual Claypool Lectures, named after the late priest and renowned preacher John Claypool, typically feature theologians and spiritual writers.

This year's lecture, set for Tuesday, Jan. 13, will feature David Brooks, a columnist for the New York Times.

"We are stepping out," said the Rev. Richmond Webster, rector of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, which has sponsored the lectures for about 15 years.

"I've asked David to come to Birmingham to talk about moral leadership," Webster said. "His columns have moved from political analysis to a call for leaders to have a moral center."

Brooks will speak at 6:30 p.m., Jan. 13, at the Wright Fine Arts Center at Samford University. A book signing will follow.

Brooks has written three books, most recently "The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character and Achievement," which explores the importance of neuroscience and sociology in understanding America's politics, culture and future.

Brooks teaches a class at Yale University on humility and has a book on humility coming out soon. "In the last year or so, he has been increasingly more of a faith-based writer," Webster said.

Although Brooks is Jewish, "he's an articulate observer of Christianity," Webster said. "David is an important moral voice in our culture today."

Brooks serves as an analyst National Public Radio's "All Things Considered" and on PBS NewsHour.

"His critics adore him; they admire him," Webster said. "We need to be broad-minded enough to not retreat into camps of like-mindedness. We've got to find a way to keep friendships."...
I'm guessing speech codes will be mentioned.

For Brutus is an honorable man;
So are they all, all honourable men.


  1. A look at the staff of this Episcopal Church should tell you all you need to know about this speaking engagement.

  2. Good morning, Mr. Glass.

    ["His critics adore him; they admire him," Webster said.]

    So basically, you're the Stephen Colbert of Brooks-bashing, where your dumb readers haven't yet caught onto the fact that you're only PRETENDING to hate Mr. Brooks.

    Enjoy your day.

    ---Kevin Holsinger

  3. "His columns have moved from political analysis to a call for leaders to have a moral center"

    Ha ha. If conservatism were correct about anything at all, he'd be telling us about it. Most people deal with the totality of the failure by switching to the last resort of "both sides". Brooks deals with it by writing about nothing (since it's easier and pays the same).

  4. La Gory?


    I could tell immediately it was a left-wing, diversity-plagued religious group.


    Needed that!
