
Saturday, August 06, 2011

The Children of a Lesser God

John Solomon, the "editor of news and investigations for Newsweek and The Daily Beast" and one of the Village's many, many David Brooks knockoff copies, today risked professional suicide and startled the Media Establishment by leaping boldly into the fray to declare that, -- damn it! -- Both Sides Are to Blame.

And he doesn't care who knows it!

"This time, political infighting cost America's its sterling borrowing rating—and both parties own the blame."

And this:
"There were lots of good options for sowing good will to an angry electorate and signaling a return to some form of political normalcy. But neither side could resist the temptation to just keep fighting."

And this:
"The ink on a compromise deal to trim $2.4 trillion from the deficit and raise the government borrowing limit was barely dry when both sides made clear they were digging in for a new fight over exactly how to implement the plan."

So...when exactly was that Golden Era of "normalcy" that you wanted us to return to, Mr. Solomon? During the Republican Lame Duck hostage crisis? During the Republican "Death Panel" freak-show? During the Republican "Let's filibuster every fucking thing?" spree?

I must have missed it, so why don't you point to the day on the calendar when the Right was anything other than fully committed to "standing on the Overpass of History lobbing cinder blocks into traffic" and then we'll talk.

Otherwise, Mr. Solomon, you're obviously just another fraud who figured out "How To Write a David Brooks Column" and turned it into a career.

Mr. Solomon's bio lists him as "the editor of news and investigations for Newsweek and The Daily Beast". In other words, one more "Both Side Do It" Villager meatstick who get paid to define what is and is not "news" for a vast, distracted and often unbelievably ignorant public.

Small wonder we are in deep, deep trouble.

The sooner people like Mr. Solomon are drafted into America's vast Army of The Long-Term Unemployed, the sooner we can get down to the business of cleaning up the toxic mess 30 years of Conservatism has left in its wake.


  1. Anonymous5:41 PM

    "Both sides do it" has, for all practical purposes, become codespeak for "oh crap, the right winger nut bags have done it again, but we can't actually call 'em on it without losing our cushy existence.

  2. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Of note though, I heard Gloria Borger on CNN correct Wolf Blitzer when he was wringing his hands about the terrible fighting between the two parties causing the S&P downgrade, blah blah blah, and she read him the statememt from the report laying the blame squarely on the republicans. Guess what his next words were after, "but.."

  3. Anonymous3:52 PM

    I often wonder where these folks are able to find their "both sides do it."

    From what I can see, it's a case of wingnuts roaring, blustering, and threatening to destroy the country if they don't get their way...and Obama knuckling under after some weak little attempt to gain some concessions (crumbs) from the mighty and merciless Tea-Tarders.....
