When I become Monarch of the Hegemon, this is the sort of thing my Minister of Important Information will be serving as front page fare...
June 6, 2005
Stuck for a Month, Mars Rover Finally Gets Back on Track
PASADENA, Calif., June 5 (AP) - The Mars rover Opportunity resumed rolling freely across the Martian surface on Saturday after scientists freed it from a sand dune where it had been mired for more than a month, NASA officials said.
"We've got a working rover on Mars that cost $400 million" to build and keep working, said Jim Erickson, the project manager. "I'd like to wear it out rather than lose it."
The wheels started slipping April 26 during a 295-foot trip. While trying to drive over a foot-high sand dune, the explorer stopped moving, its wheels hub-deep in soft soil.
Engineers spent weeks with a mock-up of the Opportunity, figuring out what commands could free it. ...
But on Saturday morning, data showed that the Opportunity was free and had moved several feet across the dune.
The Opportunity and its twin rover, Spirit, have been exploring Mars since January 2004. Both rovers have long outlasted their primary, three-month missions.
First, simply, Excellent!
If you don’t “get” space flight, space exploration or what it means to have a human object rolling across the surface of another world, acting as our proxy and laying the groundwork for our greatest adventure, then I feel sorry for you. Weaponizing space? Unreservedly BAD idea. Exploration, research and discovery? Unreservedly GOOD ideas.
We are an infant species, and the time has come for us to begin to take our leave of the nest and make our way in the wider Universe. And to do so without murdering Mom.
Second, please note that this actually is rocket science, and how well it was done. The probes have already outlived their mission, and yet NASA engineers spent months of time and care to gently coax it away from danger and back on its way.
Third, just for fun, transpose over our Iraqi Debacle a few of the key phrases from this NASA episode and see just how radically a proper, critical and scientific mindset changes things.
“"We've got a working rover on Mars that cost $400 million" to build and keep working
“Engineers spent weeks with a mock-up of the Opportunity, figuring out what commands could free it.”
Imagine if the same time and care had been spent figuring out and carefully planning the Bush Administration’s 200-billion-dollar Iraq Folly as was spent on a 400-million-dollar-probe.
Imagine if NASA scientists were told that the plan to “Shock and Awe” the rover out of the dune had already been decided by scientifically illiterate, faith-based ideologues in the White House long before anyone actually knew what the facts on the ground were.
Imagine that a goon-squad led by the likes of John Bolton was dispatched to JPL, and scientists were bitch-slapped around and told to djinn-up “facts” that supported the Administrations hare-brained scheme, and to ignore any inconvenient realities that didn’t toe the ideological-line.
Imagine that the people that warned Bush that he was about to make a monumental mistake were fired or marginalized.
Imagine that before the hardest part of the task had even begun, Bush spent a billion dollars to land the Space Shuttle in front of a cheering crowd and step out in a Space Suit and announce “Mission Accomplished”.
Imagine that beneath all of the hype and hoopla, the actual Bush Plan for freeing “Opportunity” was “Gun 'er...then pop the clutch & see what happens. Works on mah pickup down ‘ta the ranch all the time.”
Image Bush had no idea where Mars was. Of what the probe was designed to do. Or what “very, very far away” meant. Or what might happen is he got it wrong. Or that if he got it wrong the results would be irreversibly disastrous. But was still 100% cock-sure of his plan because God had spoken to him.
Image he went ahead and did it anyway, and imagine every single fucking thing that could have possibly gone wrong, did. Irrefutably, horribly, bloodily wrong.
Preventably and predictably wrong.
Imagine the financial cost of his fuck up -- originally projected at nearly free of charge -- was 200 billion dollars and climbing, with no end in sight.
Imagine that going on 1,700 Americans died because he got it wrong, and lied about it. And that number grew every, single day.
Imagine that his response was to give Special Super Ooper Duper Medals to everyone that helped aid and abet the clusterfuck.
Imagine that the United States' role as unchallenged leader of Space Exploration lay in ruins around the world.
Image this epic fuck-up actually drove our allies away, and gave incalculable aid and comfort to our enemies.
Imagine if 51% of the voters punished this colossal, indisputable and VERY public fuck-up by not only refusing to acknowledge was starkly and plainly staring them right in the face, but by giving the person who precipitated the entire calamity his job back, and calling anyone who spoke the obvious truth a traitor.
That’d be pretty wild. And who knows? Maybe if that’s how the fate of Opportunity were actually sealed, some reporter somewhere in the United State of America might find it interesting enough to write about.
But I tend to doubt it.
Actually Bush has been doing just this with one of our crown jewels in space: The Hubble Space Telescope.
ReplyDeleteQ: Why is Laura always on top?
ReplyDeleteA: Because George W. can only fuck up!
{An oldie but a goodie, that one! :-D }
I work on the team that developed the solar cells that form the heart of the power system for the rovers. We are pretty proud of the fact that the little buggers are still chugging away. They were always thought to be the limiting factor in the lifetime of the gizmos.
ReplyDeleteWe've been looking at ways of bringing these amazing devices down to earth and finding a way to make use of them for terrestrial energy generation. It is a matter of figuring out a cheap economical manner of concentrating enough light on them to make it economically viable. They love lots of light!
You'd think this might be something we as a society would be interested in funding at an reasonable level. You'd be amazed.
Figure out a way to stick a meter on the Sun and you'll have funding beyond your wildst dreams.....
ReplyDeleteTrue 51% of voters voted for pea brain, but that’s giving them way too much credit. Only 55% of eligible voters voted, so you do the math…
ReplyDeleteActually, no, I’ll do the math – that’s .51 x . 55 = .28, which means 28% of ‘mericans voted for the guy who happened to be president when 9-11 saved his freakin’ ass.
And why can I do basic math? Because I grew up in Pasadena and went to public school in the shadow of JPL – grew up actually believing that reason, science and things like that were just inevitably going to keep things moving forward. I remember going to JPL one open house way back in the early ‘70’s and they had painted a stripe around the inside of the building about where they were hoping Pioneer would go – and no one talked about it going years and years beyond it’s planned mission – it’s just something scientists would do if they could figure out how to keep it going. Because that’s what reasonable people do! Being a rocket scientist in Pasadena was no big deal back then, and growing up then it all seemed so – well – normal. swr’s suggestion of putting some funding into his solar cells – seems just blindingly obvious. But when you’ve got car companies buying back and destroying electric vehicles (www.dontcrush.com), I guess swr’s idea is just way too dangerously radical.
The people in charge of the country today – who as I believe DG put it so eloquently earlier – basically think science is magic. For most people respect for science is no longer normal – it’s sort of a “he said, she said” thing (if it isn’t just outright magic). And that is really, really bad. No, it’s really, really, really, really bad. Science is not magic – you can’t just wave a wand (as dickhead has explicitly said he’d like to – clearly that’s the way he thinks). If you think you’re going to wish things away (or into being) without confronting the science – just forget it. That’s why DG’s 5/18 post on weaponzing space (esp. option #8) is so bloody perfect.
Oh goodie – and I haven’t even read the latest shredding of bo-bo (but I see his little rat visage poking up) – you are so kind DG to keep these things coming (sorry for hogging a bit of bandwidth, but you touched a nerve).
good stuff, triozyg....
ReplyDeleteBadass fiction, badass site. Missed you DG.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cool job. I'd imagine that you could find a half million acres of prime collection real estate out West, but transmission and storage are always a problem.
I always thought tying military spending to basic alt-energy research by a hard formula (say 2-to-1) made a lot of sense.
Run it as a public trust and get energy out of the way as a limiting parameter and you'd see the global economy (including ours) soar.
thanks, everyone, for the many kindnesses: good to see you have all collectively decided to stay off the meds :-)
Yeah, we are working with some guys (Solar Systems) in Australia who have experimental collectors on land owned by the aborigninal people. It's pretty cool. I'd like to work something like that out with the tribes here in the southwest.
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