
Sunday, June 12, 2005

For Americans like Judge Roy Moore

…these were the Good Old Days.

Judge Roy Moore was on NOW – that’d be the “Almighty God and th’ Old Test’mint Prophets ‘rote the Constitution”, granite Ten Commandments erecting, Former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in the People’s Christian Republic of Alabama Roy Moore – appearing on Evil Liberal PBS...for those keeping score in their madrasses.

Judge Moore is very particular about God, Very outspoken. Very clear that all the courts in the land need to be explicitly subservient to God's Will.

And not just any Old God, his God.
And not just any Old Scripture, his scripture.
And not just any interpretations of his Scripture, but his interpretation of his Scripture.

Much to my surprise, to hear Judge Moore tell it, God is apparently focused pretty much exclusively on fags and property rights these days. And maybe in keeping His Believers in His Xian Madrasses hysterically frightened of Science and, generally, as dumb and pliant and harvestable as cows.

Speaking of which, the Judge/Prophet from Greater Stupidville did deign to explain to me that bestiality and incest and being gay are pretty much the same things.

That if a man can marry a man, why can’t a man marry a cow? Which, struck me as a very odd analogy to choose...

So as a brief aside --

We all know that dog-fucking is Santorum’s personal favorite, and now cows?


Both pliant? Both trainable? Neither talk back?

Neither nag at you, or point out that you are a complete fraud and as dumb as dirt. Both come when you call. Neither complain if you have another dog, or another cow, or five, or a pack or a herd. Both do what they’re told and can be kicked and whipped if they get out of line – or, really, if you’re just pissed off or drunk -- without some damned Nosey Liberal Human Services Know-it-All asking a lot of impertinent questions.

In other words, dogs and cows both profile out as the Perfect Conservative Evangelical Wives to about nine significant digits.

So, is there something in Judge Mooooooo-re’s background that we should be looking into?

Is his udder-disdain for those not like himself some kind of Freudian Oedipal projection?

Does he want to murder his Father and milk his Mother?

Does some kind of congenital Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, explain why this man in suck a raging fucknut...and why the South is so joyfully embraces such hateful, bigoted Christiopaths [New Word Coined Here]?

-- End of aside.

Judge Moore could also barely conceal his contempt for the fact that the Supreme-r Court had struck down the sodomy laws that were so near and dear to his heart.

And that marriage for queers was invented five years ago in Liberal Massachusetts, but was an affront to God.

Had Judge Moore been on this show a generation ago, he would have said that marriage between niggra’s and The White Race was invented by the Liberal Supreme Court and was an affront to God.

And before that he would have said that parity of any kind between niggra’s and The White Race was invented by the Liberal Supreme Court and was an affront to God. And he would have worn a snappy White Robe and point hood.

And before that he would have said that challenging a Good White Christian’s right to own niggra’s was invented by the Damned Yankees and was an affront to God. And he would have worn his snappy Confederate Army dress grays.

But let’s be clear; even if David Brancaccio had had the presence of mind to whip out a SuperSoaker full of Holy Water and dispatch Judge Roy Moore to the Gehenna that he so richly deserves, it would not have solved the problem. Because Moore is just a symptom.

The problem isthat there are section of this country – entire states -- that are simply, irredeemable rotten. Where the locals are so fucking gone, live in such a cesspit of bigotry, ignorance and Biblical Justification for being stupid and bigoted that prehaps there is nothing for us to do for them but seal the intellectual borders and let the Disease of unreconstructed Wingnut Confederate Ideology run its terrible course.

Granted we will be deprived of some of our finest NASCAR drivers and grabby-handed Christian con men...

The good news is, as loud at the Ultras are, and as long a shadow as they cast, they are nowhere near a majority in this country. To win they and the Moderates have to lean against each other like two drunks running a three-legged race, and we should take a lot of hope in that.

Consider the obvious fact that we Lefties were, for example, just about 100% right about everything regarding Iraq, and the Bush WH has been shown to be just about 100% wrong in every aspect and in every detail.

But in the Jerry Falwell Wing of the GOP (Now simply known as ‘The GOP’) admission of error of any kind is a sin against the core tenets of their creepy Literalist Cult: No one on Team Bush can any more cop to being wrong – or lying – about ANYTHING any more that they can admit to being a bunch of serial cow-fuckers.

And since have set a course to disaster and then nailed the tiller to the fucking deck, and will not allow anyone to suggest that they might have made even a petit boo-boo, they rush on and on, deeper and deeper into darkness.

And, I must add, to the absolute delight of the likes of Roy Moore and James Dobson.

The Dominionist’s view history as Story with an Ending and they are dedicated to driving us as far down the road to Armageddon as quickly as possible. They view the Bush Administation with the same hungry opportunism as gangrene views an untreated leg wound: they are fanatical about driving onwards, faster and faster, towards ruin with a copy of Revelations as their only map. But to a few Republicans, here and there, the reek of war and the deranged ideology that has stolen and perverted their party is starting to become genuinely frightening.

Fighting Falwell and Dobson Moore is a fool’s game; they gleefully work for Eternal Darkness, and take their orders from directly from the Home Office set deep inside the walls of Dis. Such people are beyond salvation because the Evil that they serve has deluded them into thinking that they are already saved. But don't forget that getting the country to move on Civil Rights legislations, for example, was NEVER about getting the equally despicable Bull Connor or George Wallace to stop being hateful thugs.

Instead it was about putting the camera squarely on them and then asking the question the rest of the country, “Does this scum speak for you?”

Exactly as today, it isn't the Ultras that we should bother with, but their fellow traveling Moderates that must be our continual focus. Asking them every day, in every venue, if the deranged bile that erupts out of the likes of Roy Moore’s mouth is not what they believe, then how come they let people like that run their Party?

Take a close look at the photo up above: I didn't put it up there lightly, or just to shock passers-by. I posted it because it is an honest portrait from the hellish heart of the Kingdom of Ignorance and Fear to which bigotry and fanaticism and bad religion always lead.

Always. Always. Always. So how in God’s name can you be a member of a Party that gives pride of place to religious bigots and fanatics?

Why the fuck is that OK with you?

As for me, the answer is simple: Howard Dean Speaks for Me.


  1. Anonymous3:29 PM

    And i guess their version of Christianity should be called Christiopathy, just to distinguish the non-Apocalyptic, non-Adam'n'Eve believing, non-world is 6000 years old believers from Moooore and his heifer-humping ilk.

    Isn't there somewhere you can register a neologism....or am I thinking of the Health Department?

  2. I've been reading Piven and Cloward's Poor People's Movement and that is exactly what the civil rights movement did. They had no interest whatsoever in trying to convert the misnammed Commissioner of Public Safety Eugene "Bull" Connor (his nickname, not mine) in Birmingham or Sherrif Jim Clark in Selma, AL.

    They choose to protest in those cities to show that these people would violently attack non-violent protestors rather than allow even a tiny expression of discontent. Civil Rights protestors said we will put ourselves at physical risk of great injury (maybe even death) to get the MSM of the day to show to the rest of the country (and the world) what truly goes on inside our world.

  3. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Holy shit!!! I love you Drifty. You make my day.

  4. Anonymous8:55 PM

    You are really edging closer to the mind set. Keep pushing ever closer, but beware of the poison. This is REAL EVIL. When people become obssessed with the DEVIL, they can never stop. When people set themselves above others because of skin color, all sins perpretrated against people of the wrong color (religion),(sex), (sexual orintation)is perfectly okey. The ability to be able to be completely unfettered in the sins you can committ against the "other" feels soooooo good. The more sins against the other you committ, the farther from the DEVIL you get.

    Or something like that.

  5. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Keep pushing ever closer, but beware of the poison. This is REAL EVIL. When people become obssessed with the DEVIL, they can never stop.

    These people are actually the minions of the devil.

  6. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Excellent article on the christo-fascism that is on the verge of detroying the Republic.

  7. Anonymous11:05 PM

    I've really grown to love your style, but please quit saying entire states are bad. I live in Texas and there are quite a few of us who don't condone, would never condone and would stand up in the face of bigotry.

  8. anonymous,
    As a citizen of the US, as far as the rest of the world is concerned, I am responsible for George Bush...and I am. I am horrified by the fact that he is my President, but he is; that's part of how the social contract works, and that's also what motivates me to oppose his Administration.

    By the same token, there are millions of fine people in the Red States. There are Mensa chapters in the Red States. I have prefectly lovely, non-crazy family in at least five of the Red States.


    There is no way to look at an electoral map of Bush States and note that it maps EXACTLY to the map of the Confederacy and not conclude that some sections of this country are run by fucking hateful idiots, who keep getting elected by who? Rocket scientists? Philosophy Majors? Or people who take their socks off when they have to count to twenty?

    Jesse Helms is the scum of the Earth and PROUD of it...and he got re-elected five times. George Wallace won every election but one handily by running explicitly as a Segregationist, and pulled 4 million votes in '68.

    Whether or not you or anyone else is or isn't a nice person...from an electoral POV, there is something deeply, culturally rotten about certain section of this country and has been for centuries.

  9. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Drifty, for a good look at how and why the pathologies associated with my region of the USA arose and continue to thrive, I recommend Michael Lind's book MADE IN TEXAS: GEORGE W. BUSH AND THE SOUTHERN TAKEOVER OF AMERICAN POLITICS (2003, Basic Books).

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