
Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Evolution Debunked.

Conservatives, Then And Now.

This used to be what a Republican used to looked like--

And this used to be a Republican Principle:

To waste, to destroy our natural resources, to skin and exhaust the land instead of using it so as to increase its usefulness, will result in undermining in the days of our children the very prosperity which we ought by right to hand down to them amplified and developed.

-- Theodore Roosevelt, seventh annual message, 3 December 1907

Now this what Republicans have become:

Official Played Down Emissions' Links to Global Warming
A White House official who once led the oil industry's fight against limits on greenhouse gases has repeatedly edited government climate reports in ways that play down links between such emissions and global warming, according to internal documents.

In handwritten notes on drafts of several reports issued in 2002 and 2003, the official, Philip A. Cooney, removed or adjusted descriptions of climate research that government scientists and their supervisors, including some senior Bush administration officials, had already approved.

Mr. Cooney is chief of staff for the White House Council on Environmental Quality, the office that helps devise and promote administration policies on environmental issues. Before coming to the White House in 2001, he was the "climate team leader" and a lobbyist at the American Petroleum Institute, the largest trade group representing the interests of the oil industry. A lawyer with a bachelor's degree in economics, he has no scientific training.

A White House spokeswoman, Michele St. Martin, said today that Mr. Cooney would not be made available to comment. "We don't put Phil Cooney on the record," she said. "He's not a cleared spokesman."

Climate experts and representatives of environmental groups, when shown examples of the revisions, said they illustrated the significant if largely invisible influence of Mr. Cooney and other White House officials with ties to energy industries that have long fought greenhouse-gas restrictions.

"Each administration has a policy position on climate change," Mr. Piltz wrote. "But I have not seen a situation like the one that has developed under this administration during the past four years, in which politicization by the White House has fed back directly into the science program in such as way as to undermine the credibility and integrity of the program."

"They've got three more years and the only way to control this issue and do nothing about it is to muddy the science," said Eileen Claussen, the president of the Pew Center on Global Climate Change, a private group that has enlisted businesses in programs cutting emissions.
The alterations are sometimes as subtle as the insertion of an adjective, but cause a clear shift in the meaning of the documents.

Perhaps the reason that Mr. Piltz seems a little stunned, having, “not seen a situation like the one that has developed under this administration during the past four years, in which politicization by the White House has fed back directly into the science program in such as way as to undermine the credibility and integrity of the program.” is that maybe Mr. Piltz is too polite to point out the obvious fact that the Republican Party has long ago devolved into little more than than a mutually-masturbating confederacy of whores, liars, Fundy lunatics and Christ-pimping hucksters.

Once you could have called youself a Republican with genuine honor and pride: today you can either have a conscience or a GOP Party Membership, but not both.

Now they are sunken so irredeemably into blood and lies the that the everyday betrayal of the public trust is just a given among Conservatives. The party of Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt and Ike has been gutted like trout, hollowed out and packed with maggoty third-rate con men like Santorum, outright fascists like Cheney, feeble-minded man-children like Bush and grinning sociopaths like Robertson.

The vitality and beauty of a party of hard-headed engineers and accountants who actually wanted to “Conserve” what was best about America is long, long dead. Now they give free reign to Bible-toting lunatics who want to efface any science that doesn’t agree with what a 1,200 B.C. free-verse poet wrote in Genesis. They murdered and mummified the Party of Lincoln and in its place nothing remains but the viperish banality of a David Brooks and the spasmodic, post-mortem-hate-reflex of Rush Limbaugh that mindless shouts that Elitist Liberals are to blame for every single thing, even as the Bush Administration slathers napalm onto the flesh and bone of the planet itself, sets it ablaze, and boldly dances its terrible, diseased St. Vitus’ jig two feet in front of the faces of the Moderates.

The Moderates.

The fucking, traitorous, cowardly, cuntish, hag-ridden, bilge-blooded, bellycrawling, Please-Don’t-Make-Me-Look Moderates.

You made this mess, you CAT-hatted dung beetles. You nine-hole-playin’ homunculi. (Apologies to CAT hat wearing or golf-playing Liberal who, I’m sure, are lovely people.) You pus-based life forms that ooze to the polls every two years, vote Republican because Rush ordered you to, because Hannity scared you with stories of the Liberal Boogey Man, because a corpulent humanity-hating lizard like Falwell told you you’ll burn in a fiery Hell if you didn’t. You who don’t have the slightest fucking clue what is being done in your name, and don't really give a damn. Who still don’t know and don’t care who Tom DeLay is (Driftglass Helpful Hint: He runs your party dumbass!) Who still sorta kinda think that maybe Saddam was behind 9/11.

The White House knows that it can “shape intelligence to fit policy” (which, in English, means pull lies out of its ass) all the live-long day – about Iraq, about Social Security, about the environment, about Any God Damned Thing. And then they can go Nixon one better and actually get caught red-handed doing it, and have the fact that it’s doing it printed on the front page of the NYT and yet doesn’t shed a single, nervous bead of Nixon liar-sweat.

No Bush can just go right on smirking and lying and shucking and strangling a few more Big Words. Scott McClellan can just point to Newsweek and watch all heads turn. Rummy can collapse in a fit of full-on milspeak glossolalia, because they all know what we all know...

That Bush could take an epic BBQ-and-cheap-whiskey shit straight down the throat of a Moderate Republican, gouge out his eyes and pee in the sockets, and then use the Bill of Rights to set fire to his dog…and Joe Moderate would stagger to the polls, eyeless, dogless and stinky with POTUS-offal and happily re-elect George W. Bush for another four years.

Then he would crawl down the alley looking for a Fucking Elitist Liberal on which to blame his troubles.

A Genuine Conservative, who stood on Genuine Conservative Principles, would be screaming for George Bush’s head. Would, in defense of Genuine Conservative Principle, be demanding immediate investigations and action. Would, in defense of Genuine Conservative Principle, insist on the resignation of key member of the Administration, and the impeachment of those that would not honorably step down.

In the end only conclusion that one can reach is that Moderates hate the principles and ideals of Genuine Conservatives like Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln and Dwight Eisenhower so passionately that they willingly – gleefully -- turn over the Party these men built to its worst enemies. And then roll over and become the blind, shit-stained willing slut of the men who are murdering everything they claim to love.


  1. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Surgical clarity. The only ambiguity left resides in the minds of those who can only be classified as insane or evil.

  2. Drift, great post.

    I took it upon myself (since I wasn't seeing anything coming out of the Congress about it) to draw up an indictment. I've sent to my district's Congressman as well as to both Senators (one Dem, one Fascist). I have it posted on my blog.

    I have a great deal of patience, but the actions of this cabal of vicious bastards must be stopped. We run a 50% risk of seeing a mushroom cloud over an American city in the next 5 years, port security is still a grotesque sham and the only thing airport security is doing is providing the illusion of safety.

    In addition we have Operation Bleeding Wound sapping the prestige, morale and lives of our military, and these assholes are planning even fresher outrages.

  3. Anonymous9:53 PM

    I like this post. It has a lot of passion.

  4. drift ... Missed you, doll. Five whole days with your Blitzkreig on the neverending river of bullshit spewed by BushCo™ and its minions, enablers, sychophants, and apologists. Thank the gods you're back.

  5. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Now tell us what you really think. Sadly, you are dead on.

  6. Anonymous11:44 PM

    you give me hope for the world that there is still intelligent life out there....thanks

  7. Ouch, I thought I was harsh!

  8. Very sincere thank-you's to you all.

    Hey, Res...giver of my very first blog kiss. Missed you too :-)

  9. Walt:

    You forgot nuclear power and chemical plant security. The nuke plant thing really shivers me timbers!


    One thing I don't understand is how traditional Republican voters can vote for a party that is currently championing cartoonishly eyeball-popping fiscal insanity. Let me put it this way. If an out-of-control Democratic president and Congress were spending and racking up deficits the way the Repubs are now, and the Republicans in my little parallel universe scenario were running on a platform of fiscal responsibility and the fundies were firmly not in control of their party, you better believe I would vote Republican!! Of course, if they were to pull a Ronald Reagan and trash those promises in favor of ramping up the deficit in pursuit of military-industrial-complex Keynesian economics, then I certainly wouldn't be voting Republican anymore after that.

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